
[정치]What is the plan to ‘strengthen US forces in East Asia’?… Possibility of expanding the use of nuclear energy

Possible expansion of nuclear power through US military strengthening measures in East Asia
South Korea and the United States agree to deploy strategic assets at a permanent deployment level
Discussion on the modernization of US military equipment and additional use of weapons


As a plan to strengthen the US military in East Asia that the United States can consider, a plan to expand the use of nuclear strategic assets such as strategic bombers is being considered first.

The modernization of equipment and additional use of advanced weapons are also discussed, a card that can put pressure not only on North Korea but also on China.

This is reporter Shin Joon-myeong.


The plan to strengthen US military power in East Asia mentioned by White House National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan is very likely to be realized by expanding the use of nuclear-equipped strategic assets.

Late last month, the US nuclear submarine Key West arrived at Busan Port, and two B-1B strategic bombers joined ROK-US joint air training.

Previously, at the 54th ROK-US Security Consultative Meeting held earlier this month, the defense ministers of the two countries had already agreed to increase the frequency of deployment of strategic assets to the level of permanent deployment.

[로이드 오스틴 / 미 국방장관(지난 3일) : 다시 한번 우리는 누구도 한국을 공격하지 못하게 만드는 데 집중할 것입니다. 우리의 안보 약속은 철통같습니다.]

Just as the United States is recently replacing F-15 fighter jets at US military bases in Japan with the latest F-22 stealth fighter, equipment modernization or additional use of advanced weapons may occur.

A representative measure is to strengthen missile defense capability by also importing the high altitude missile defense system, THAAD.

[신종우 /한국국방안보포럼 사무국장 : 이미 미국의 군사력이 증가뿐만 아니라 첨단화가 이뤄지는 상황이고 이 와중에 북한이 도발하게 된다면 미국의 군사력이 이쪽으로 집중되는 거는 불 보듯 뻔한 일이죠.]

The strengthening of US military power in East Asia is expected to begin in earnest starting with North Korea’s seventh nuclear test.

There are many analyzes that this will inevitably be a big burden on China, which is currently confronting Taiwan and raising tensions in the South China Sea.

This is Shin Joon-myung’s YTN.

YTN Junmyeong Shin (

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