
[투데이 와글와글] ‘Puck’ due to flying kick … British police over quelling teenage girl

When two police officers try to arrest a woman, a teenage girl interrupts them and starts a fight.

Another police officer arrived late at this time.

You subdue this girl with ‘Fly Kick’.

The incident, which was controversial because of the so-called ‘kicking’ suppression, took place in September last year in Norfolk, England.

All scenes were filmed by an on-site witness and spread through social media.

After the controversy over excessive suppression, the local police authorities conducted an internal investigation and recently issued a written warning to the police.

Locally, opinions are divided over the level of disciplinary action.

Some criticize “a warning alone is not enough discipline”, while others say “the focus should be on what interfered with the arrest, not the flying kick at the girl.”

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