
1 December “World AIDS Day” This year’s slogan “End inequality, End AIDS”

world aids day (World AIDS Day) December 1 every year is set to campaign to stop the spread of AIDS. AIDS first became known in 1981, but at that time it was only known to a small group of people. until the number of infected people is so shocking especially in Southeast Asian and African countries.

HIV Short for Human Immunodeficiency Virus, this virus is the cause of AIDS. The HIV virus destroys white blood cells that are responsible for building immunity. to fight various germs that enters the body when we are sick

AIDS Short for Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome, AIDS occurs when the immune system is weakened by HIV. to the point that the body can no longer resist various germs until infection or causing various diseases

AIDS was first discovered in June 1981 in the United States. The patient is a homosexual male. Sick of pneumonia from Pneumocystis Carinii, despite being a very healthy person before. and never used immunosuppressant drugs. laboratory results It was found that the cells responsible for the immune system were unable to function normally. from retrospective studies It was found that the disease originated in West Africa in 1960 and later spread to Haiti, the Americas, Europe and Asia, including Thailand.

In 1983, Frenchman Luc Montagnier was able to isolate the infection from a patient’s lymph nodes. and named it Lymphadenopathy Assoiciated Virus, or LAV, and at the same time, American physician Robert Gallo was able to isolate the infection from a patient’s white blood cells. And named Human T cell Lymphotropic Virus Type III or HTL V III later, Levy, an American physician. The same strain could be isolated and named AIDS related virus from subsequent studies. It was found that these three pathogens were probably the same virus, so they agreed to give it a universal name as the Human Immounodeficiency Virus or HIV.

The first AIDS patient in Thailand was a 28-year-old male traveling to the United States to study and engage in homosexual behavior. Onset in 1983 and was diagnosed and treated at a hospital in the United States. Found that pneumonia caused by Pneumocystis Carinii, doctors concluded that it was AIDS. He returned to Thailand in 1984 and later died.

In 1984, the first reported cases of AIDS in Thailand began, and between 1984 and 1990 the number of AIDS-infected cases increased dramatically. The government has therefore announced its intention to solve the AIDS problem. By assigning the Ministry of Public Health to be responsible for having the National AIDS Coordinating Committee since 1985, chaired by the Minister of Public Health.

In order to make the world aware of the importance of AIDS prevention as well as fostering acceptance and concern for patients and infected people. The World Health Organization has designated December 1 of every year as World AIDS Day. which started on December 1, 1988 for the first year with the following objectives:

1. To make everyone aware of the dangers of contact and illness caused by AIDS.

2. To strengthen and support more preventive measures in society at all levels

3. To organize activities against various continue

4. To promote acceptance and concern for the sick and the infected

5. To spread knowledge about AIDS more widely.

Every year on December 1 of every year Around the world there will be campaign activities on World AIDS Day. To create awareness for everyone to have sympathy and concern for the infected and the sick. as well as to educate everyone about AIDS This will be one way to reduce the spread of this disease.

The motto for World AIDS Day 2021 is “End inequalities. End AIDS” or “end inequality, end AIDS

source: wikipedia
