
10/29 Disaster Bereavement Family Council, first joint ceremony for Lunar New Year… Sewol Ferry Families host 9th Lunar New Year Ceremony

[사진 제공 : 연합뉴스]

Today, the first national holiday since the October 29 disaster, civil society groups and organizations of the bereaved families held a joint memorial service.

The Itaewon Tragedy Citizens’ Countermeasures Meeting held a joint memorial service in front of the portraits of the victims at 3:00 pm today, along with 80 bereaved families and acquaintances, at the joint memorial altar at Noksapyeong Station.

The joint ceremony was held in the order of memorial prayers by the four main religions – Christianity, Catholicism, Buddhism, and Win Buddhism – and memorial speeches were read by the bereaved families.

Lee Jong-cheol, the representative of the family council for the October 29 disaster, said in a memorial address, “I should have received three times as much from the children, but I can’t do that anymore.” He got up.

The grieving families filled their glasses and bowed one after the other, and as many were weeping, the incense burner became a sea of ​​tears.

Meanwhile, the 4/16 Sewol Ferry Disaster Family Association and the 4/16 Regiment held a joint memorial service at the Sewol Ferry Memorial Space in front of the Seoul City Council around 4:15pm today.

Kim Jong-gi, chairman of the steering committee, said, “I hope the 10th anniversary will be a place to talk about precious memories with children, not to find truth and punishment.”