
10.29 Reverse the power of the people in one day of the parliamentary investigation, a large number of Yoon Haek-won oppose and abstain

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The 10.29 disaster investigation by the government has been squealing since day one.

This is because the power of the people who were asked to remove the Office of the Supreme Prosecutor from the target of the government’s investigation on the day of the agreement between the ruling and the opposition parties.

In the end, after a lot of twists and turns, they agreed again and passed the plenary, but many so-called Yoon Haek-gwan abstained or voted against him.

This is reporter Kim Min-chan.

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Yesterday, the ruling and the opposition parties reached an agreement on all institutions that are the subject of the government’s investigation.

[주호영/국민의힘 원내대표(어제)]

“Office of the Supreme Prosecutor, National Police Agency, Fire and Disaster Management Agency, Seoul Metropolitan City, Yongsan-gu, Seoul…”

However, within a day, public opposition broke within the power of the people.

[장예찬/청년재단 이사장(SBS 라디오 ‘김태현의 정치쇼’)]

“There are also some inappropriate provisions. I cannot understand why the great sword had to be included in the national aid.”

The president’s office also helped.

Lee Jin-bok, senior secretary for political affairs in the presidential office, visited the National Assembly and expressed dissatisfaction with the agreement between the ruling and opposition parties, saying, “It goes against the purpose of call non-target organizations.”

If the big sword is included, it seems that he is concerned that the suspicion that he could not control the crowd because of the ‘drug crackdown’, which is the president’s main order, would spread again.

Within a day, the ruling party overturned the floor leader’s agreement to get rid of the Supreme Prosecutor’s Office.

The Democratic Party criticized, “Are they the president’s guidelines?”

[이수진/더불어민주당 원내대변인]

“Is the Office of the Supreme Prosecutor a guide from the president of the former prosecutors and ‘Gwan Haek-gwan Yoon’ to eliminate responsibility for the disaster?

In the end, the ruling and opposition parties again agreed to call only the Supreme Prosecutor’s Office the ‘Drug Investigation Department’, and after some twists and turns, the government’s investigation plan passed the full session.

However, the so-called Yoon Haek-gwan voted against and abstained en masse.

Within the power of the people, there were 12 votes against and 21 votes in favor of abstention.

[장제원/국민의힘 의원]

“I objected because he was against it.”

[김기현/국민의힘 의원]

“I believe it is undesirable to continue to politicize death and use it to commit new, second and third acts of harm.”

Meanwhile, Yoon Haek-gwan has been openly expressing their displeasure that the party leadership is passive in defending the president.

In the government’s investigation into the 10.29 disaster, the shaking of Yoon Haek-gwan’s leadership was expressed again.

This is MBC News Kim Min-chan.

Video commentary: Hwang Sang-wook, Seo Doo-beom / Video editing: Choi Seung-ho

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