
19-year-old Chinese man with Alzheimer’s disease The first young person in the world for unknown reasons

A medical journal reveals a rare case of a 19-year-old Chinese man suffering from Alzheimer’s disease. The first young person in the world without knowing the cause and not linked to heredity

Reported by foreign news agencies The case for a new medical patient discovery Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is no longer a disease that mainly affects the elderly. Because in China, the world’s first 19-year-old Alzheimer’s patient was discovered.

Dr. Jia Jianping, MD, a specialist in neurology at the Xuanwu Hospital Innovation Center for Neurological Disorders Affiliated with Beijing Capital Medical University, China reported Alzheimer’s disease patients who were only 19-year-olds.

In the medical journal Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease, an article in a 19-year-old teenager prone to Alzheimer’s disease revealed a 19-year-old man with progressive memory impairment over two years from the onset of the memory disorder at age 17, and results from a learning test verbal World Health Organization-University of California, Los Angeles (WHO-UCLA AVLT) also shows memory impairment.

Patients reportedly began to have difficulty concentrating and learning. His team first looked at the results of the boys’ two cognitive assessments (memory, attention, language ability, math ability, spatial awareness, etc.), where the MMSE and MoCA test scores were normal.

A year later, the patient had severe short-term memory loss. inability to remember events from previous days or to store personal belongings As well as being difficult to read and slow to respond to, between October 2020 and October 2021, his MoCA score dropped and he lost 3 points for his memory. Later, the patient continued to experience progressive memory loss. even trying to remember what he had eaten As a result, the patient had to leave school halfway through.

Image of the paper

Positron tomography-magnetic resonance imaging with 18F fluorodeoxyglucose reveals bilateral hippocampal atrophy. Mild atrophy and metabolic syndrome were found in lobes bilaterally. Examination of the patients’ cerebrospinal fluid revealed an increased p-tau181 protein concentration and a decreased amyloid-β 42/40 ratio.

From whole genome sequencing (WGS), no gene mutations and infections, such as Apo E, APP, PSEN1 and PSEN2, were detected, and there was no family history of Alzheimer’s disease. and for no other reason that causes memory loss, such as genetic problems, infections, or other diseases

Histology is currently lacking and the patient is too young to undergo a brain biopsy. Because a brain biopsy is invasive. Therefore, Dr. Jia Jianping draws attention to the possibility of Alzheimer’s disease in young people.

The world’s first Alzheimer’s disease patient in 1906, it is widely believed that This disease occurs mainly in the elderly. It is caused by a slow-onset chronic neurological decline that gradually leads to the loss of perception, memory, and the ability to read and speak. Subsequently, there has been an increase in mental disorders over time. eventually leading to the inability to care for themselves

Thanks from Thepaper