
“1923” stills released with Helen Mirren and Harrison Ford | 1923_Sina


Sina Entertainment News November 21, Beijing time, according to foreign media reports, the new prequel series “1923” of “Yellowstone” with Helen Mirren and Harrison Ford has released stills, and will start broadcasting on Paramount + on December 18 .

Still created by Taylor Sheridan, the series will introduce a new generation of Dutton family members and explore the American Mountain West plagued by epidemics, historic drought, Prohibition, lawlessness and the Great Depression in the early 20th century century. Timeline Covers the end of World War I (1918) and the beginning of Prohibition (1920).

Ford plays Patriarch & Yellowstone Ranch owner Jacob Dutton, brother of James Dutton (Tim McGraw), and Mirren plays Kara, Jacob’s wife. Brandon Sklenall (“Westworld”), Sebastian Roach (“Criminal Minds”), Darren Mann (“Beasts”), Michelle Randolph (“Resort”), James Dyer (“CSI”), Mary Shelton (“Raampion”), Brian Geraghty (“Chicago PD”), Amina Nevis (“Fatal Tape”), Julia Shriver (“The Politician”) and others also starred.

(Meng Qing)

(Editor in charge: Camus)