
‘24-year-old’ Son Bo-seung, 145 kg + fatty liver shock… Start dieting before marriage

picture explanationSon Bo-seung. Provided by Juvis Diet

Actor Son Bo-seung (24), son of comedian Lee Kyung-sil, announced that he was on a diet by revealing his weight of 145 kg. It was because he accepted the shocking results of a medical examination ahead of his marriage and the birth of his second child.

Son Bo-seung had moderate to severe fatty liver compared to his young age, and serious health problems due to obesity were found, such as cholesterol and gout-causing uric acid exceeding the normal range.

According to Director Oh In-soo, who conducted the health checkup for Son Bo-seung, “As a result of the medical examination, moderate or more fatty liver was observed on the ultrasound of the abdomen, but a fairly serious fatty liver was observed for his age.

The uric acid level that causes gout was also normal at 7.0 or lower, but was observed to be as high as 8.1, and the cholesterol level was also quite high. In addition, glycated hemoglobin, an index related to diabetes, was also normal at 5.6 or less, but 5.8 was a level corresponding to the pre-diabetic stage, so it is urgent to lose weight.”

Son Bo-seung, who heard the results of the health checkup, said, “I was still young and I thought I was healthy, so I didn’t think that weight loss was urgent. But when I heard the results of the health checkup, I was very surprised that my health was more serious than I had expected. .

At the end of last year, Son Bo-seung announced that she was expecting a two-year-old child and a surprise marriage. Son Bo-seung was recently cast in the web drama ‘Jumi Finished’ released on the YouTube channel ‘Y Studio’.

[성정은 스타투데이 기자]

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