
3 groups of people who should avoid sauerkraut – news

Sauerkraut, along with green olives, kimchi, pickles, dairy products such as kefir, yogurt, cheese and sourdough belong to fermented foods.

And while its probiotic properties are constantly emphasized, it is not intended for everyone.

Certain people should avoid eating it, as it is not a magical healthy food for our guts.

Here are 3 groups of people who should avoid or reduce their intake of fermented foods:

People who have a problem with bloating

Fermented foods are probiotic, and bloating is a common side effect of consuming these foods.

The “good” bacteria in fermented foods react to the “bad” bacteria and fungi in your gut. These so-called “good” bacteria work against the “bad bacteria”, reducing their population.

However, when the bad bacteria are destroyed, bloating occurs, so people who already have this problem should avoid this type of food.

People who are intolerant to histamines

Histamine is a compound produced by the body and found in fermented foods.

Normally, histamine is broken down by enzymes in our bodies. However, people with histamine intolerance do not have enough of these enzymes to break down histamines

And when histamine accumulates, it can cause a number of symptoms such as diarrhea, stomach pain, itchy skin or even a drop in blood pressure.

So, instead of opting for fermented foods, opt for the normal, well-cooked variety.

People who have a weakened immune system

While most fermented foods are safe to eat, some fermented foods could be contaminated with bacteria and cause foodborne illness.

On the other hand, people whose immunity is already weakened (for example, due to chemotherapy or the use of certain drugs) are more susceptible to foodborne infections.

All of this can lead to serious infections in the intestines, blood, brain and sinuses in people who are immunocompromised, he writes. Glossy.

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