
3 red flags that appear on the skin when ‘liver health’ declines

The liver is known as a ‘silent organ’. This is because there are not many nerve cells in the liver, so clear symptoms do not appear until the disease has progressed to some extent. However, no matter how minor the symptoms, if something goes wrong, he will react accordingly. In order to effectively manage and prevent liver disease, it is good to know the symptoms of liver disease. The following are three symptoms that appear on the skin when liver function is reduced.

Skin symptoms that appear when liver health declinesㅣSource: iClick Art
1. Age-appropriate acne
Age-related acne may be a simple skin disease, but experts say it can mean liver diseases such as acute hepatitis, chronic hepatitis, and cirrhosis. ’18 self-examination charts for liver disease’ by Ewha Womans University Mokdong also included the item ‘acne is inappropriate for your age’. If the liver is not healthy, bile secretion is not smooth, and waste products are not released and accumulated in the body. When waste products accumulate in our body and blood circulation is delayed, skin diseases and acne symptoms appear. In particular, purulent acne on the cheeks is most likely caused by liver problems.

2. Spider-like red spots
A spider hemangioma refers to a lesion that looks like a red spider due to dilated capillaries. The red arterioles in the middle look like the spider’s body, and the capillaries that extend radially from here look like the spider’s legs. It occurs mainly on the chest and neck, and tends to disappear when pressed with the hand and reappear when the hand is withdrawn. As a spider hemangioma is a symptom that can be expressed in the early stages of cirrhosis of the liver when there is a problem with the blood vessels flowing towards the liver, if this lesion develops anew in an adult, it is necessary to have a test to see if there are any problems with liver function. At this time, it may be accompanied by palmar erythema, where red spots appear on the palms. Palmar erythema, caused by liver disease, is often characterized by redness of the fleshy areas under the thumb and little finger of the palm.

The exact cause of skin lesions due to liver disease is not yet known, but the hormone estrogen is known to be involved. The liver is responsible for maintaining the hormonal balance of the body, but when the liver fails to function, it will not be able to control the female hormone estrogen. Estrogen prevents the constriction of blood vessels, so when estrogen in the blood increases, blood vessels cannot constrict and capillaries dilate, leading to red lesions.

3. Yellow disease and itchy skin

In the later stages of liver disease, the eyes and skin turn yellow. This is because when liver function is reduced and the flow of bile is blocked, the level of bilirubin in the blood rises. Bilirubin is one of the constituents of bile and is a yellowish pigment component. However, when the liver is not in good condition, the component gradually accumulates in the blood, and as a result, the whites of the eyes and the skin turn yellow, leading to jaundice. Additionally, if bile accumulates in the subcutaneous tissue, itching may occur.

“The health of the liver is equivalent to the health of the skin, it must be managed with UDCA”
Pharmacist Kim Ji-young says, “The health of the liver is the health of the skin.” When liver function is impaired, bile secretion is not smooth, and waste products and toxic substances accumulate in the body. When these toxins accumulate in the body, they cause acne, lesions, and aging. skin. Therefore, in order to take care of the skin, it is necessary to help the liver to do its work smoothly. Pharmacist Kim introduced the ingredient, saying, “At this time, the role of ursodeoxycholic acid (UDCA) is important.”

UDCA stimulates bile secretion to release waste and toxins, strengthening liver function and being effective for skin diseases such as acne. In addition, the component itself acts as an antioxidant to prevent damage to the liver and prevent the reabsorption of cholesterol, thus preventing the accumulation of fat in the liver.

Help = Chemist Kim Ji-young
