
3519 social media posts for foods and favorite items turned into ‘post ads’

3519 cases, including reviews of foods and favorite products posted on social media, were captured as posts suspected of being deceptive advertising (hereafter referred to as ‘reverse ads’).

The Fair Trade Commission carried out monitoring of major social networks such as Naver Blog, Instagram, and YouTube from April to December last year to prevent back ads in the form of post-review posts and support consumers’ rational purchasing choices. the 6th being

Of the 21,037 infringing posts, Instagram accounted for the most with 9,510, followed by Naver Blog (9,445) and YouTube (1,607).

The types of infringement (duplicate) were ‘improper display position’ (9924 cases, 47.2%), ‘unclear display content’ (8681 cases, 41.3%), ‘inappropriate method of expression’ (5028 cases, 23.9% ), and ‘not specified’ (3566 cases (17.0%)) were the most common.

In the case of blogs, inappropriate ‘content displayed’ (5330 cases, 56.4%) and ‘methods of expression’ (5002 cases, 53.0%) were identified as a problem.

In Instagram, ‘inappropriate display site’ (7787 cases, 81.9%) is the majority, especially on the mobile screen, most of them fall under ‘More’.

In YouTube, ‘display site’ (944 cases, 58.7%) and ‘display content’ (600 cases, 37.3%) were inappropriate.

By product and service category, ‘health and hygiene products’ (5368 cases, 25.5%), ‘clothing, textiles and personal items’ (3707 cases, 17.6%), ‘food and personal items’ (3519 cases, 16.7%), and ‘other services’ (3519 cases, 16.7%) 2136 cases (10.2%) were the most common.

In particular, among health and hygiene products, cosmetics, foods, and functional health foods (diet, wrinkles, whitening supplements, etc.) accounted for a high proportion.

In the case of service, among other services, food services such as restaurants accounted for the highest share, followed by educational services such as academies.

The Fair Trade Commission said, “The number of posts that break the law such as health and hygiene products (cosmetics), foods, and choice products (functional health foods) is high every year, so there is a need to focus on examining the those items. necessary to prevent further crimes at an early stage through sanctions,” he stressed.

Based on the monitoring results in 2022, the FTC intends to intensively examine the types of crimes that have recently increased this year (‘obscure signals’, etc.), and to spread a culture of compliance with the law autonomous within the industry through education and dissemination from time to time. promote related industries. .

In addition, we will launch an investigation into advertisers or advertising agencies who have committed malicious offences, such as actively encouraging unfair advertisements on social media or disguising them as real reviews, and will be subject to strict penalties in accordance with the Display Act and Advertising. when doubts are found.

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