
5 good teas for women to drink every day

What kinds of teas are beneficial to health if women drink every day? [사진=게티이미지뱅크]

Tea is known to have various health benefits as well as helping to stabilize the mind and body. Among them, let’s find out which teas are beneficial to health, especially if women drink it every day, through Times of India.

1. Chamomile Tea
Chamomile tea can help relieve premenstrual syndrome, which is characterized by body aches, headaches, and mood swings. Chamomile tea helps to relax nerves, reduce inflammation, and lower insulin sensitivity.

2. Ginger Tea
Drinking ginger tea daily can reduce inflammation and fatigue. Traditionally, ginger has been used in a variety of medicinal and home remedies. When consumed after meals, it improves digestion and intestinal health, increases metabolic rate, and helps effective weight loss. Drinking ginger tea during menstruation can reduce pain and inflammation. Ginger tea is also effective for sore throat, fever, nausea and headaches caused by pregnancy. It can also be helpful for women suffering from hair loss because it improves blood circulation in the scalp.

3. Mint tea
Mint or peppermint tea is good for women because it contains good antioxidants that can help reduce cramps, prevent muscle contractions, and relieve pain. It also helps relieve infections and allergies because of its antibacterial and antiviral properties. It is also effective in reducing morning sickness and fatigue experienced during pregnancy.

4. Black tea
Black tea contains a lot of caffeine, which clears the mind. Drinking unsweetened black tea can help manage high blood pressure, improve metabolism, and relieve stomach cramps. In some cases, it can help relieve morning sickness and nausea. Drinking cold black tea in summer can help stop diarrhea.

5. Green Tea
Green tea contains the antioxidant catechin, which has anti-aging effects. Green tea helps flush out toxins from the body, relieves stress and anxiety, and helps heal damaged cells. It also stimulates the metabolism, improves intestinal health, aids digestion, and aids in effective weight management.

Reporter Jeong Hee-eun

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