
7 out of 10 LG Ensol subscribers only received 1.5 million won… ‘100 billion bet’ 12 Super Ants

picture explanation[사진 = 연합뉴스]

In the public offering of LG Energy Solutions, which attracted 4 million individual investors, 70% of investors applied for only 10 weeks, the minimum subscription size. It is interpreted that the amount of small accounts that came in for equal distribution was significant. Also, there were 12 super ants who paid more than 50 billion won.

According to the securities issuance report published by LG Energy Solutions on the 23rd, a total of 3,05,459 investors applied for 10 weeks out of the public offering for general investors held for two days from the 18th. This number accounts for 69.1% of the total of 4,424,470 individual subscribers.

This is a remarkably high figure compared to other large-cap stocks that have been IPOs since the ban on overlapping subscriptions in July of last year. In the case of Kakao Bank, 35.5% of the total number of subscriptions of 1.86 million were accounts, and at Hyundai Heavy Industries, 52.3% of the 1,713,910 applications were accounts that subscribed for 10 shares. The offering prices of Kakao Bank and Hyundai Heavy Industries were 39,000 won and 60,000 won, respectively. Both Kakao Bank and Hyundai Heavy Industries had a 50% subscription margin, and 195,000 won and 300,000 won were required for a 10-week subscription, respectively. The IPO price of LG Energy Solution was 300,000 won, and you had to pay 1.5 million won as a margin when you subscribed for 10 weeks. Although the minimum margin was 5 to 7 times larger, the number of small investors increased by more than 2 million.

There were a lot of investors who put in hundreds of billions of dollars. In the public offering of LG Energy Solutions held by seven securities companies, the maximum number of subscriptions also differed depending on the amount allocated by each securities company. A total of 12 individual investors applied for more than 340,000 shares (102 billion won) from KB Securities, which had the largest amount of allocation.

There were also six ‘super ants’ who applied for the subscription limit of 486,000 shares. If 486,000 shares are converted to an offering price of 300,000 won, it is 145.8 billion won. The actual subscription margin paid was 72.9 billion won, which is half of this amount. The number of evenly allocated shares per account of KB Securities was 1.18. One share is allocated to each account, and approximately 1 in 5-6 people received 1 share by lottery. Among the six super ants who placed over 140 billion won in subscriptions, only one investor was allocated two weeks. According to the pro-rata allocation, 3643 shares per account, based on the IPO price, received 1,092.9 million won worth of stocks.

Allocation results for institutional investors were also released. Traces of fierce competition were also revealed in the allocation of IPO shares by institutional investors.

In the case of overseas institutional investors, 276 foreign institutional investors who had trading relations with the seven securities companies that received subscriptions for LG Energy Solutions and 176 overseas institutional investors with no trading record came in. not assigned Also, among overseas institutional investors with trading performance, only 8.0% made a commitment not to sell stocks for a certain period of time, and 27.1% of the IPO shares were allocated to them. In Hyundai Heavy Industries, the ratio of mandatory holdings of overseas institutional investors was 1.2%.

In the case of domestic institutional investors, where competition was fiercer, only 3.4% of the total allocated shares were available for sale from the day of listing because they did not make a commitment to hold them. At the time of demand forecasting, the proportion of unconfirmed compulsory holdings accounted for 19.0%, but as stocks were first allocated to institutional investors who had extended their compulsory holding promises, the amount of uncommitted shares was greatly reduced. On the other hand, institutional investors who promised to hold for six months received 71.3% of the total volume.

[고득관 매경닷컴 기자]
[ⓒ 매일경제 &, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]