
939,167 won per capita Total acquittals of former and current prosecutors

Court recalculates entertainment costs… “Lee Jong-pil was also present at the drinking party for a considerable amount of time”

Kim Bong-hyeon (48), a former Star Mobility prosecutor, was acquitted in the first trial of a prosecutor and lawyer accused of receiving expensive alcoholic beverages.

On the 30th, Judge Park Young-soo, who was the 11th offender at the Seoul Southern District Court, acquitted the prosecutor’s aunt (52) and the prosecutor (47), who were transferred to trial on charges of violating the Act on the Prohibition made solicitation and solicitation (Prohibition of Grafting and Scrutiny).

Former chairman Kim, who served alcohol, was also acquitted.

The court largely accepted the defendants’ arguments regarding the method of calculating entertainment expenses per person, which was the biggest issue from the investigation stage.

The court ruled, “On the evidence presented by the prosecution, the fact that the entertainment value in this case exceeds 1 million won at a time cannot be considered beyond reasonable doubt.”

Regarding the presence of former Chairman Kim and former Lime Vice President Jong-pil Lee, he said, “If we look at Lee’s call record and base station information, it seems that he attended the drinking party for quite a while. It is unnatural that former Blue House executive Kim Mo is in a different room and only former Chairman Kim visited the room.”

The court said, “If the amount of entertainment is calculated in light of the time the defendants attended the drinking party and the time of participation of the former vice president and former administrator Kim, etc., it would be 939,167 earned.” He was found not guilty.”

Earlier, the prosecutors asked the court to sentence the three of them to six months in prison.

Attorney Lee and Prosecutor I. Kim, who is considered the protagonist of the Lime scandal in October 2020, served alcohol with the prosecutor in a salon room in Cheongdam-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul on July 18, 2019 through’ r ‘Correspondence in Prison’ In December of the same year, he was indicted.

Instead of calculating the total price of a drink of 5.36 million won equally among five people, considering that two prosecutors left the party first among the five people who attended the drinking party, 481 The first calculation was calculated by dividing the million which was won equally.

And the cost of the band and the tip receiver 550,000 won has been divided into three participants, including the prosecutor No, who remained in the seat, and the amount of receipts per person was calculated as 1.14 million won.

The defendants have argued that seven people were present at the time, including former Vice President Lee and former Administrator Kim, and if the entertainment expenses per person were calculated according to the number of people, the amount received was less than 1 million won. , so they were not subject to punishment under the Anti-Graft Act.

According to the Anti-Graft Act, if the amount of money received or provided at one time does not exceed 1 million won, a fine can be imposed for negligence, but it is not subject to criminal punishment.

As a result, issues such as the presence of former executive Kim and former vice president Lee, the attendance time of the participants, and the exact amount of the drink calculated by former Chairman Kim became issues.

/happy news