
A 10-year-old boy, coughing and exhausted, had a CT scan and found that the lungs were damaged, infected with bacteria and viruses. the case of e-cigarettes

The doctor reveals the case of a teenager over 10 years old, coughing, panting, exhausted, doing a CT scan, found a broken lung, a honeycomb-like state. Bacterial-Viral Infection caused by e-cigarettes In the United States, 2,807 EVALI patients were hospitalized, and 68 of them died.

Today (December 5, 2022), reporters reported that the Drama-addict Facebook page posted an e-cigarette warning message stating that a doctor had sent it to warn his parents. He found a case of a young teenager. Over the age of ten, he came to the hospital with a whooping cough. After physical examination and history taking, it was concluded that it was bacterial + viral pneumonia.

CT’s lungs are in very poor condition. And taking a history, the child said that he had used e-cigarettes for a while and the CT results of the child’s lungs had EVALI, pneumonia caused by chemicals in e-cigarettes such as formaldehyde, diacetyl, which is an irritant that he causing pneumonia and a hives-like condition. which will cause the lungs to deteriorate panting and easily infected In this case, it is infected with viruses and bacteria. Taking pictures of this case down does not violate patients’ rights. I would like to take a picture from a foreign website instead.

Parents, siblings who have children who smoke e-cigarettes, be careful. Warn him to stop completely. real cigarettes and electronic cigarettes In many countries, there are more and more cases of this type of illness. and many among teenagers As in the United States, 2,807 patients with EVALI were hospitalized, of which 68 died.