
A big apology for “You have to take responsibility”… Democrats to resign collectively

Democratic presidential candidate Lee Jae-myung said he would do his best to deal with the so-called ‘Lee Jae-myung vote bill’ at this regular session of the National Assembly, saying he did not fulfill his responsibilities as the ruling party. The key Democratic Party officials have decided to resign as a whole, saying they will add strength to the reform.

Correspondent Kang Cheong-wan.


At the party’s legislative meeting, Democratic Party candidate Lee Jae-myung made a sincere apology, saying that the Democratic Party had not been able to quickly take responsibility for the people’s difficulties.

[이재명/민주당 대선 후보 : 변화되고 혁신된 새로운 민주당으로 거듭나겠다는 의미로 제가 사죄의 절을 한번 드리도록 하겠습니다.]

Candidate Lee said that if there are obstacles, if he does not fulfill his responsibilities, it is natural that he will be reprimanded.

It is asking for efforts to pass the so-called ‘Lee Jae-myung vote bill’ in the regular National Assembly, such as the ‘Development Profit Redemption Act’.

Candidate Lee, who checked the status of bills by the standing committee, also said that he would handle the bill to guarantee the collective bargaining rights of SMEs before the presidential election at a SME policy presentation in the afternoon.

“The way to restore the balance of power between large corporations and SMEs is for SMEs to collectively have bargaining power,” Lee stressed.

It seems that such a legislative encouragement is based on the calculation that the ruling party with a majority of seats will produce legislative results and use it as a lever for a rebound in approval ratings.

Regarding the renewal of the Election Response Committee, key members of the party such as the Secretary General and the Chairman of the Policy Committee have agreed to collectively resign.

[이재명/민주당 대선 후보 : 내년 대선 승리를 위해서 모든 것을 내려놓아 주신 용단으로 감사하게 생각합니다.]

There are many prospects that the leadership of the party that Lee will be re-elected will be re-elected rather than middle-aged, especially lawmakers close to Lee. An official said.

(Video coverage: Park Jin-ho, Kim Seung-tae, video editing: Yumira)

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