
A chase with a drunk driver in his 30s in broad daylight… The delivery driver caught

picture explanation[사진 = YTN 캡처]

A driver in his 30s who was driving drunk in downtown Seoul in broad daylight was caught in a relentless pursuit with a delivery driver’s base.

Person A is said to have been in a state of intoxication to the point of revoking his license.

According to the YTN report on the 4th, a 35-year-old man who was running away from a police breath test in May was arrested on suspicion of drunk driving.

It was Park Seon-woo, a delivery driver, not the police, who followed and persistently stopped Mr. A.

Park, who had previously discovered Mr. A’s vehicle at a nearby intersection, saw a car that did not move even though the signal had changed several times and felt it was drunk driving and reported it to the police.

After seeing the police who were dispatched after receiving a report, Mr. A suddenly ran away, and Mr. Park followed.

[사진 = YTN 캡처]

picture explanation[사진 = YTN 캡처]

Park succeeded in stopping the fleeing vehicle of Mr. A after chasing it for 700 meters.

Mr. A, who was hurriedly running to the apartment construction site to avoid the drunken crackdown, hurriedly backed up and crashed into Mr. Park’s vehicle.

After a while, the police arrived and arrested A on suspicion of drunk driving.

Park said in an interview with YTN, “There are many child protection areas nearby, so I vaguely follow and stop. I only had this thought.”

The police decided to award a letter of appreciation and a reward to Park.

[전종헌 매경닷컴 기자]
[ⓒ 매일경제 &, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]