
A new virus spreads in the United States; 10 things about HMPV

Viruses that affect the lungs such as RSV and Covid-19 were in the news last winter. But reports suggest that a new virus is spreading in the United States this summer, causing fever and respiratory infections in infected people. CNN reports that the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s respiratory virus surveillance system has warned of an increase in cases of human metap pneumovirus, or HMPV.

11% of samples tested in March were HMPV positive. This has raised widespread concern in the United States.

What is Human Metapneumovirus or HMPV?

1. Human metapneumovirus (HMPV) can cause lung disease in people of all ages. Young children, the elderly, and those with weakened immune systems are particularly vulnerable.

2. Cough, fever, runny nose and shortness of breath are the main symptoms of HMPV.

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3. Currently, children and elderly patients are treated in hospital intensive care units. 11% of samples tested in mid-March, considered the peak time of the virus, were HMPV positive.

Covid-19 പോലുള്ള ശ്വാസകോശത്തെ ബാധിക്കുന്ന വൈറസുകളാണ് വാർത്തകളിൽ നിറഞ്ഞത്. എന്നാൽ ഈ വേനൽക്കാലത്ത് അമേരിക്കയിൽ ഒരു പുതിയ വൈറസ് പടരുകയും രോഗബാധിതർക്ക് പനിയും ശ്വാസകോശ അണുബാധയും ഉണ്ടാക്കുകയും ചെയ്യുന്നതായി റിപ്പോർട്ടുകൾ സൂചിപ്പിക്കുന്നു. " data-lazy-fetch="true" data-loading-strategy="1" data-multi-size-validation="false" rtc-config=""vendors": "openwrap": "PROFILE_ID" : "5146","PUB_ID" : "113941","timeoutMillis": 1000" class="i-amphtml-layout-fixed i-amphtml-layout-size-defined" style="width:300px;height:600px;" i-amphtml-layout="fixed">377

4. It is a viral infection that can cause bronchitis or pneumonia. Its symptoms are similar to other viruses that cause respiratory infections.

5. The incubation period of this virus is 3 to 6 days. The average duration of the disease can vary depending on its severity. But the CDC says it’s similar to other respiratory infections caused by viruses.

6. HMPV is spread from an infected person to others through contact such as coughing, sneezing, touching or shaking hands with an infected person, and touching objects or surfaces that have the virus on them.

7. “The most important virus you’ve never heard of.” Dr. is a pediatrician at the University of Pittsburgh. John Williams described this virus. HMPV can spread widely in patients infected with RSV or influenza.

8. Unlike Covid-19 or influenza, there is no specific antiviral therapy to treat HMPV. And there is no vaccine to prevent HMPV. Instead, doctors can only treat the symptoms of seriously ill patients.

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9. Precautions against the virus are similar to other viral diseases. Wash your hands and do not touch your eyes, nose or mouth with unwashed hands. Avoid close contact with sick people.

10. A study conducted over four winters in New York found that HMPV was as common as RSV and influenza among elderly hospitalized patients. It was also responsible for fatal pneumonia among the elderly.

Taking precautions is the only protection against this as during covid. Although there is no indication that the disease is spreading to other parts of the world, it is generally advised to be cautious and cautious. Continue the habits of the corona era such as washing hands and wearing a mask.

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