
“A shampoo that turns gray hair black is coming out”… no harmful ingredients

picture explanation[사진 출처 = 모다모다 홈페이지]

Lee Hae-shin, chair professor at the Department of Chemistry at KAIST, who developed the so-called ‘browning shampoo’ that turns gray hair into brown, has developed a shampoo that turns gray hair black.

In an interview with a media outlet on the 27th, Professor Lee said, “I have developed a black-colored shampoo that does not cause controversy over toxicity.

Professor Lee is preparing for technology transfer by producing a prototype of this shampoo, and plans to release a commercial product in the first half of this year at the earliest.

Professor Lee previously developed a browning shampoo that turns gray hair into brown when you wash your hair. This shampoo uses polyphenols that change color when exposed to air. Although this shampoo was much more expensive than regular shampoos, it has been popular since its launch in August of last year, generating about 40 billion won in sales.

However, some ingredients have been engulfed in controversy over their toxicity. Concerns have been raised that the ingredient ‘1,2,4-trihydroxybenzene (THB)’ in this shampoo may be absorbed into the human body and cause genetic modification.

Accordingly, the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety (MFDS) made an administrative notice prohibiting the use of THB ingredients in cosmetics at the end of December last year after conducting its own investigation and expert meeting. In effect, the decision was made to completely ban the domestic production of Modamoda shampoo.

The Ministry of Food and Drug Safety is of the opinion that, based on a report prepared by the European Consumer Safety-related Scientific Committee (SCCS) after reviewing the risks of THB ingredients, repeated use of THB can cause genetic modification and skin diseases in the human body, so its use should be prevented. . Modamoda countered that the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety overinterpreted the dangers of THB.

If the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety’s notification is finalized, production and sales of Modamoda Shampoo will be completely stopped from September. Currently, Modamoda’s side has requested a main review by the Regulatory Reform Committee under the Prime Minister’s Office. The Regulatory Reform Committee is expected to reach a conclusion out of three proposals: the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety’s approval of the original draft, revision of the original draft, and withdrawal.

Professor Lee said, “Things that the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety judged to be of potential genotoxicity are approved for use in most countries except the EU. not,” he said.

He added, “In order for Korean science and technology to have global competitiveness as a source technology, regulatory innovation must be done first.”

The shampoo that Professor Lee developed this time is a new dyeing shampoo that does not contain THB.

Professor Lee said, “We plan to develop a dyeing shampoo that can realize four colors, such as brown, black, gray, and red, so that it can be mixed and used.” We will do our best to contribute to the competitiveness of beauty export.”

[김우현 매경닷컴 기자]
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