
A woman would rather watch a mystery film! I have no sexual desire for a handsome man, “I’m afraid I’ll come at night” and lament: It’s not bad for him to have a mistress | Life | Sanli News Network SETN.COM

Life Center / General Report

▲ A married woman has been married for 5 years, and her husband’s affair always makes her resist, and she says frankly that she feels less and less. (Schematic diagram / adapted from Pixabay)

It is not easy for lovers to get married. Recently, a female netizen complained that she has been married for many years, and her husband is still a handsome man at the age of 45, but every time her husband proposes , she always does it After making her “feel like she’s been raped”, she bluntly stated that it would be good if her husband had a mistress outside, which prompted heated discussions among netizens.

Recently, a woman posted on Dcard, saying that she has been married for 5 years and has 1 child with her husband. The two usually chat without arguing, but they have become more and more indifferent to her husband in the last 1 or 2 years. The woman said she was afraid her husband would come kiss her and ask for sex in the middle of the night, and described “feeling raped, I often closed my eyes and hoped it would pass quickly “, even when kissed by her. husband, she subconsciously ran to the toilet to wash her mouth.

The woman explained that she treats her husband as a member of the family. If they love each other, they will have the feeling of “making love with an older brother and a younger brother”. I’m also not interested in the opposite sex outside.”

The wife and her husband haven’t had sex for 2 months, and she was secretly guessing “Sir, I’m not responding… maybe it’s okay”, and even thought she would nice for her husband to have a mistress outside, and he wouldn’t feel angry, “Because I won’t. If you get angry, you probably don’t love him anymore? What’s the point of maintaining this?”

As soon as the post came out, many netizens gave suggestions, “It is recommended to see a doctor for consultation, and talk to your husband”, “It is very sad to be rejected by your boyfriend all the time”, ” Have you ever talked to your husband? He feels like this It’s a bit bad, why don’t you try to consult me?”,

There are also netizens who think, “That’s right! You don’t love him anymore, divorce him and let him go, but don’t take any money from the other party. “If you can be friends still, then let’s have sex separately and look after the children together.”
