
Actor Kim Ji-soo “I got married to a boy who received a bone marrow transplant 11 years ago… Miracle thanks”

picture explanationJisoo Kim donated hematopoietic stem cells to a leukemia patient 11 years ago. PhotoㅣKim Ji-soo SNS

Actress Kim Ji-soo told a warm story 11 years after donating bone marrow to a leukemia patient. Kim Ji-soo encouraged his organ donation, saying, “It’s a miracle I met in my life.”

Kim Ji-soo said on her SNS on the 30th, “Yesterday I came to film a video about organ donation hope registration that will be uploaded to the website of the National Organ Blood Management Institute of the Ministry of Health and Welfare. You can visit the management site and check the information and participate.”

Then, he introduced the moving story that started with his bone marrow donation 11 years ago.

Kim Ji-soo said, “I only knew that the friend who received the bone marrow transplant was a male high school student, but I heard the news from a friend I wanted to know but couldn’t know twice, once in a pediatric cancer ward, and once through an acquaintance of that friend.” Reported the patient’s status.

He continued, “I studied hard, went to college and got a girlfriend. I heard that she was getting married too. Whenever I happened to hear such news, I thought that my relationship with that friend was not really a normal relationship. I thought about how great it would be if we could meet and hug even once.”

He also said, “Thank you so much for allowing me to experience such a miracle in my life. These days, life is hard and there are many difficult times, but in times like these, I am convinced from my experience that if you join me in something that can meet miracles, it will give strength and comfort not only to others but also to myself.” He urged people to participate.

Actress Kim Ji-soo.  Photo|Kim Ji-soo SNS

picture explanationActress Kim Ji-soo. Photo|Kim Ji-soo SNS

Kim Ji-soo, who registered corneal, organ and bone marrow donation in 2005, donated bone marrow in 2011 when a patient with the same gene came out. Since 2017, he has also served as an ambassador for the hematopoietic stem cell bank.

According to the status of organ and hematopoietic stem cell donation released by the Ministry of Health and Welfare in February, the number of participants who pledged to donate organs in 2021 stood at 88,865, up 32.3% from the previous year. There were 442 brain dead organ donors, 36 fewer than the previous year’s 478, and the number of organ transplants was 1,478, down 121 from 1599 last year.

On the other hand, the number of people who wished to donate hematopoietic stem cells to help patients with leukemia and blood diseases to be cured was 16,501, an increase of 16.8% from the previous year.

Hematopoietic stem cells are stem cells that can produce red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets.

Hematopoietic stem cells cannot produce healthy blood cells in patients with blood cancer such as leukemia, but healthy hematopoietic stem cells can be transplanted to sustain life.

For hematopoietic stem cell donation, a promoter is administered 3 to 4 days prior to raising the level of hematopoietic stem cells, and then is hospitalized for 3 days, followed by examination and collection. In the past, bone marrow was collected from the spine, which was painful, but now it is collected in a similar way to donating blood. For this reason, it is known that hematopoietic stem cell donation is possible without pain if the genes are the same.

[진향희 스타투데이 기자]

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