
Anne Frank’s friend, Hannah Goesler, has died World | Deshabhimani

AMSTERDAM > Hannah Goesler, 93, a friend of Anne Frank, best known for her daughter’s diary which chronicled the horrors of the Nazis, has died. The death information was released by the Anne Frank Foundation. Ann wrote that Hannah was her best friend.

Hanna Gösler was born on 12 November 1928 in Tiergarten, Berlin, Nazi Germany. In 1933, she fled with her family and settled in Amsterdam. He met Anne Frank here at school. In 1942, when the Frank family went into hiding to escape the Nazis, the two lost contact.

Goesler met Anne Frank again in February 1945, shortly before Anne’s death in a concentration camp. Gosler and his sister Gabi were the only members of the family to survive the torture in the concentration camp. Gosler later migrated to Jerusalem.

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