
Aoi Tanaka’s comment is “detailed and concise” (Emi Kaneko) Relationship with childhood: watching TV J-CAST[arddangosfa testun llawn]

Today, December 13 (December 2022), “Mezamashi 8” invited Aoi Tanaka, who scored a goal from behind for Spain in the soccer World Cup, to the studio to hear behind-the-scenes stories about The World Cup and her thoughts on four years from now.

At the beginning, MC Shosuke Tanihara handed over the bouquet, saying, “Thank you very much for the excitement.”

Publisher Yumi Nagashima “(The goal against Spain) brings back emotions no matter how many times I see it.”

Aoi Tanaka “I was happy”

  • Four years later…

  • Four years later...

Shosuke Tanihara “If it’s Mitoma, absolutely…”

Announcer Takahiro Nishioka “I was the pitch reporter and I was watching right in front of me. Aoi Tanaka was there. I honestly thought I was going to be one millimeter from three toma, but I think the relationship of trust with Tanaka, who believes in that and runs.”

Shosuke Tanihara: “Did you think Mitoma would definitely come back?”

Tanaka: “I thought he would definitely come back in the middle. (During VAR) I was out when I was watching from inside.

The program also presented a video of Tanaka approaching Mitoma, who failed to score a penalty against Croatia.

Tanaka: “I was also frustrated. My body was moving on its own. I couldn’t even say a word. All I could do was put my hand on my shoulder.”

So Takei (Talent) “Can I ask you a question? Where did you feel we were ahead of the rest of the world?”

Tanaka: “As an individual, I feel there is a difference, but even so, we will win as a team.

Yoichiro Tateiwa (journalist) “I would like to ask you two questions. Aoi’s name is Samurai Blue, and it’s really good. Is there any reason behind it? Also, I think I’ll have to make up my mind in 4 years. the main character, but what do I do until then? Do you have to?”

Tanaka: “Originally we had a different name, but the sky was so blue when we were born, so we decided to change it. I think I have to have the ability to be on an equal footing with them at 80%, 70%.”

Emi Kaneko (former member of the House of Representatives): “Your comments are precise and concise. I look forward to your other columns and expressions in the future.

Tanaka: “I’ve been reading books since I was little.

Tanaka’s post-match comment, “I’ll come back as a monster,” has become a hot topic.

Tanaka: “Actually there are only players here who are called monsters. Such players will change the world. In four years, I want to become such an existence and let Japan win. I for aiming for the championship I believe it is possible .there is
