
Arrest warrant for van driver for ‘rape and photo threats’


We delivered the news that a woman in her 20s filed a complaint saying that she was sexually assaulted by a driver of a ‘van’, a commuter vehicle for 5 years since high school. Police arrested a 50-year-old driver who drove a van. I applied for an arrest warrant.

Correspondent Youngjae Jung.


I haven’t spoken to anyone in 5 years.

A woman in her 20s who has been threatened with sexual assault and spreading nude photos since high school.

In the complaint, Mr. B in his 50s, a so-called ‘van car’ driver, was listed as the assailant.

B, who denied all charges, was arrested yesterday (26th) by the police.

A week after the complaint, the police launched a forced investigation.

An arrest warrant has been requested and the result is awaiting review.

Mr. B did not answer any questions from reporters.

[(혐의 인정하세요?) …]

Although there is no clear evidence, the police paid attention to Mr. A’s statement.

I went to all the damaged places pointed out by Mr. A and verified it.

[A씨/피해자 : 처음부터 무슨 일이 있었고 장소 하나하나 다 가보면서 검증하는 그런 시간도 가졌었고 계속 하루 종일 조사를 받았어요.]

The police are also conducting forensic analysis by confiscating Mr. A’s cell phone and Mr. B’s cell phone when he was in high school.

It was because I thought that the texts between the two would be decisive evidence.

[A씨/피해자 : 제 핸드폰 보고 계속 지우게도 했고 애초에 저도 혹시나 누가 제 핸드폰 볼까 봐 지우기도 했고 그래서 그 사람이 안심하고 그렇게 이야기를 하는지는 저도 잘 모르겠어요.]

Person A sued because of a nude photo of herself sent by Mr. B last February.

The police said they plan to continue the investigation to find additional evidence of Mr. B’s crime.