
Atacama – Chile’s Global Garbage Desert

The Atacama Desert is located in northern Chile. It has an area of ​​approximately 180,000 square kilometers and is 610 meters above sea level.

The Atacama is said to be the driest desert in the world. The area includes several nearby dry saline basins. Although there are almost no plants growing at all. But it is rich in nitrates and copper. This desert has long been a symbol of Chile.

even atacama It can be desolate and a harsh, isolated and lifeless landscape. But the Atacama has its own unique ecosystem. Which is currently threatened by garbage from all over the world.

A mountain of discarded clothes, a graveyard of shoes, an old tyre. and car wrecks piled up in rows have littered the desert in a great waste heap

Chile is a hub for used clothing and unwanted textiles from Europe, Asia and the United States. It will be sold throughout Latin America. or end up in a dump in the desert

From the world’s endless fast fashion trend More than 46,000 tons of second-hand clothes are shipped to the free trade zone in northern Chile. before some of them are no longer wanted for business and are continually smuggled into this desert.

Chemicals from textile production take up to 200 years to biodegrade. And these piles of clothing waste will pollute the soil, air and groundwater of this arid land, depleting the ecosystem and becoming a dead desert in the future.

Similarly, used cars are flowing into the country’s free trade area. Some of the cars were exported to Peru, Bolivia or Paraguay, while others were left in cemeteries several kilometers wide around the Atacama Desert. This includes piles of old tires scattered around as well.

vast expanses of the Atacama desert millions of years old arid and without rain But scientists have discovered microbial life that has adapted to a world without water. Exposure to intense solar radiation With almost no nutrients at all, scientists believe these microbes may hold secrets of evolution and survival on Earth and other planets.

Although it rarely rains in this area. But a thick fog spread over the desert. This allows certain plants, including lichens, fungi and some of the world’s rarest algae to grow.

NASA has analyzed this desert region and found that it has the most Mars-like terrain. The area was used to test vehicles by simulating the surface of Mars. under the US space program

But this particular ecological area is being degraded by a lack of awareness of environmental protection and a lack of ethical responsibility. By the hands of human beings easily unconscious. and a heart drier than the desert that will lead to decline in all areas around the world.

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