
Avoid the annoying CAPTCHAs on iOS 16! Mechanism to guarantee “this person is human” on the iPhone side | GetNavi web GetNavi

In recent apps and websites, you may be asked to “click on the picture of the bus” from among many images, or you may see a pop-up that shows a distorted string and asks you to enter it. This is called a “CAPTCHA” and is a mechanism to confirm “being human” and eliminate malicious bots. However, there are many people who find the characters too distorted to read or annoying.

In the next iOS 16, a function to avoid this CAPTCHA will be added, and it became clear that you do not have to prove that you are a human by “tap the image of the traffic light” etc.

This useful new feature is[設定]Of the app[Apple ID]>[パスワードとセキュリティ]It can be used from “Automatic Verification” in. When enabled, iCloud will automatically and privately validate your device and Apple ID account in the background, and apps and sites will not see the CAPTCHA validation pop-up.

Apple has released a video detailing this feature in technical detail. Simply put, you’ll make sure your device and Apple ID account are in good working order, and then give what’s called a “private access token” to your app or website. In other words, by guaranteeing that “this person is a human being” on the local side of iPhone and iOS, the user experience will be comfortable on the surface and the privacy of that person will be protected more strictly.

In order for the new system to work, it is necessary for the service provider to take action. In that regard, Cloudflare and Fastly, the leading CDNs (networks configured to deliver content on the web in a stable manner), have already announced support for private access tokens, and millions of them will take time to come. It is expected to be widely deployed in apps and sites.

Auto-validation is enabled by default in Beta 1 for developers on iOS 16 and iPad OS 16. Apple has also announced support for macOS Ventura, and these official versions will be released later this year. I would like to wait for the day when the world’s most empty time disappears from the ground, where a traffic light with a rough image can be mistakenly solved.
