
“Ball boy Umma” who can afford to hit a ball with intense mussels “Beauty” that does not move even one step is “Nice spray” | Full-Count

A strong hit ball that flew into the left wing foul zone … “Beauty” that does not move even one step

■ Nippon-Ham 5-2 Orix (11th, Sapporo Dome)

The “shadow master” that appeared at the Sapporo Dome is secretly attracting attention. The Nippon-Ham-Orix match on the 11th. When a strong hit ball flew into the left wing foul zone, the ball boy caught it exquisitely without moving a step. Fans also praised the beauty of a professional as “Ball Boy Umma”.

It was just after Nunez of Nippon-Ham fired a strong liner foul with two deaths in the third inning. The hit ball heading for the ball boy sitting near the fence on the left wing becomes a “super-muscular hit ball” that makes a short bounce in front of you. However, with a slight lift from the pipe chair, he did not move a step and showed a splendid grab handling.

The commentary unintentionally groaned, “Ball boy, nice catch!” The official YouTube of “PERSOL His Pacific League TV” is also irresistibly introduced in the “Today’s Nice Spray” video. Fans commented that “the ball boy’s nyspray was included in the grass” and “the ball boy’s nyspray was put together!”

[Actual video]”Ball boy Umma” is a beautiful technique that is lightly caught even though it is a hard hit ball “Nice spray”