
“Ball invites you to smile” reveals a life of drug addiction Quit because of the holy things. Ready to update. Buy a new house. Price is over 10 million.

“Ball invites you to smile” reveals a life of drug addiction Quit because of the holy things. Ready to update. Buy a new house. Price is over 10 million.

funny life insights “Ball, please smile” with a story that has never been revealed anywhere With 4 years of drug addiction, but ended up with a revered father. Life was abysmal because of his vow not to cheat on his wife. In the talk show SHOW

There is a sacred thing in my dream that I have to buy a house ?
Ball: The previous one was another house attached to this back. I want a corner house But enough for the father that I have a lot of respect for. that I will buy this house This house number send a picture for you to see. Dad said you can do it? If it can be practiced, it can survive. Praying for Yom Kippur, creating Brahma. After this, only those who live and practice will not be hot. It must be practiced and very strict. So I asked if there was another one. He said that he was about to tell him that after this there are families. One came to buy them as a practical line. So we took it bro. It seemed to be his. So I let my father take another look. He said that the latter suited me. but my father gave me a court

Respect your father?
Ball : Yes, I intended that if one day I had the space to set up a court for my father. We opened our eyes to be born at home, we saw an old father. We see artists who pay homage to us, feel we are in. One day, I met myself. Father gave me a lot. He said that people who respected my old father never starve to death. I survived every time. Even on my bad days, I collapsed. I sat and talked to my old father like a mad man said.

There is a god Taksin too?
Ball : King Taksin I’m already respected One time I went to work, my wife didn’t know where I was going because I took the job myself. That day, I went to film a program to follow in the footsteps of Father Taksin. I’m starting a new band At the big roundabout in the hot sun, I sit on my knees to tell you. Today I will make a band to wish my father good luck. success, father went about the father of Taksin 3, when finished, went back home The next morning, when he came out to work, his wife was still sleeping. My wife called me dreaming. There was a big man telling me not to be afraid of me, Father Taksin. Tell your husband if you want to live and have a good life, stop eating meat. I stood shocked. So I told my wife that I’ve been filming a program about Father Taksin. There used to be a nun who told me that in the past, he was a soldier of the Father, but I just don’t believe in anything, but 3 of them say the same thing. One day, Father Taksin got a handsome figure by accident. Sometimes we can hear people riding horses in our house.

Are you afraid?
Ball : We feel that you protect that’s all. That day I vowed to stop eating meat. From the first band event at the cafe disappeared One day starting work According to the shop, life is more positive.

Play a game show and get a million in pots?

Ball : One million items I hurriedly came late through the corner of the building to see Ganesha. The last sign said that I just got a tattoo of Father Ganesha. If the father cares for the child, loves the child, may the million be broken. Then a million is really broken.

Cheating on his wife and the old father came to warn me?
Ball : Before, there was some recklessness. Wife caught me swearing because I knew I respected my old father. Then another story Then the father called The old father came to tell me that he had to come and tell you. If you can’t, don’t swear. What else are you going to do? He warned you He can give it to you, he can take it back. My old father gave me a lot. giving life to quitting drugs

Brother Ball never told where. Tell it as a lecturer?
Football: 4 full years I was addicted to methamphetamine. How much money did I get, I bought it all. in debt Even my old father had gold plated that my father had before his death. I pledged 600 baht to buy medicine. until I turned around and there was nothing left. I raised my hand to pay homage to my old father. Today I have nothing left. I can’t handle my life anymore. I want to quit, ask my son to have a job and take the money to redeem the old father. I want to quit. Please don’t let me go red. no more than the sun like life has changed There is a list of contacts for me to play during the parody of the drama. I got the money from the list of 6,000 baht. I redeemed it for my old father. I quit drugs. I’m fine. I quit.

Why are you dependent on drugs?
Ball: With a desire to try, now it’s addictive, pranking is fun. The size of the police detectives splicing things in my hand. I dropped to the ground and stepped on my feet. Tell me to help me. I’m saved.

Clip of an interview with Ball, please smile.

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