
Beta 2 release for Apple macOS 12.5 developers! Last update before macOS13? | Kamiap | Delivering Apple News and IT Information

ApplemacOS12.5Beta 1About 2 weeks after release, macOS12.5Beta 2 has been released for developers.

Beta 2 release for Apple macOS 12.5 developers

macOS12.5No new information is announced in the beta 2 release notes.

Since the security update of macOS12.4 provided more than 50 security patches, it is possible that the security update is the main purpose of macOS12.5.

Registered developers can download macOS 12.5 Beta 2 from the Apple Developer Center.


macOS12.5 Beta 2 seems to be mainly bug fixes in macOS12.5 Beta 1, but new features may be added. We will release additional articles as soon as we know more.

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Reference: MacRumors, Apple Photo: Apple