
“Big Entertainer” Wang Sulong’s online live concert ended successfully, and the details of the 2022 Douyin Summer Song Concert are full of golden songs – yqqlm

On the night of August 13, Douyin Wang Sulong’s “Big Entertainer” Summer Song Party concert, named by Wanda Investment Group, was live streamed online. Time TV broadcasts the live broadcast simultaneously, sparking continuously auditory “taste buds” fans with music, bringing a limited summer memory to everyone.

The great entertainer is online, and Wang Sulong’s live broadcast is full of golden songs

“There will be no end in the future”, “Smile and Allure”, “Love That Never Breaks Up”… With the singing of familiar and classic songs, the number of people who like the live broadcast room is also increasing. The changing scenes, the dynamic music and the interpretation of Wang Sulong’s golden songs immediately set off a wave of strong memories. Enthusiastic fans and friends of the “watch together” mode started online and made funny in many ways.

This “Great Entertainer” online live concert was performed in a huge theater, changing different scenes in a movie-like way, from the bathroom to the backstage studio, from the theater to the auditorium. In between , you can see the different sides of the great entertainer singer-songwriter, variety show terrier, and music boy.

At the beginning of the concert, Wang Sulong showed everyone the side of the “great entertainer” behind the spotlight. He sang in the bathroom, expressing the free and funny attitude of the great entertainer. As Wang Sulong walked and singing, the stage was like a movie The same changes in different scenes, the director’s room, the theater stage, and the auditorium unfolding one by one.

Each scene is like a life story, where Wang Sulong interprets it affectionately for everyone. Wish list tracks “Smile and Allure” and “Love That Don’t Break Up” are different from the past, with a slightly more mature taste. He dedicated “Wish Me Happy” to fans, hoping that everyone has the ability to make themselves happy. “Before Tears Fall”, a song about the thoughts of youth, purity and regret, brings everyone’s thoughts back to the summer of yesteryear.

Although the years cannot be repeated, Wang Sulong hopes that today’s young people can think seriously about their relationship with the world, pursue themselves, and live a wonderful life that belongs to a great entertainer. Let summer not regret, and youth will not regret. At the end of the concert, Wang Sulong sang “Universal Gravity”, with a clean and tender voice mixed with a fresh and sweet style, full of summer flavor.

Whether singing the songs from the album of the same name “The Great Entertainer”, sharing life insights of growing up to be a “Great Entertainer”, or the stage art design and setting for Easter. egg theme other than “The Great Entertainer”, this performance makes this performance seem especially special.

A hard-won meeting, 2022 Douyin Summer Songs will create an audiovisual feast with heart

Douyin Summer Songs in 2022 will continue to bring fans a different music experience and will continue to upgrade. Promote innovation in multiple dimensions such as stage design, live broadcast interaction, and fan welfare. In Wang Sulong’s special performance, the string orchestra, Broadway theater and other scenes can be changed more freely, ensuring that fans can enjoy a great audiovisual feast without leaving home .

It is worth noting that Douyin Summer Songs will break through the traditional monotonous viewing experience and develop a “watch together” function. Fans can click the “watch together” mode at any time during the broadcast. live, simulating the joy of offline performances and friends enjoying a carnival, sense. Enough of summer music carnival addiction! Fans also liked it after the live broadcast to produce a unique photo poster with Wang Sulong, meeting the expectation of taking a photo with their favorite singer.

The collision of music and summer, the double feast of vision and hearing, created a Douyin Summer Song Festival online live concert “Big Entertainer” with the title Wanda Investment Group, which was well received Starting from the true needs of young people, is presented the traditional entertainment content in the form of innovative live broadcasts, which not only realizes the positive interaction between the stage and the artists, but also helps young people to harvest the power behind music and achieve a better self!

Farewell to Wang Sulong, the “powerful singer-songwriter” who has created countless hits, Let’s find a unique beauty and meet a limited romance together this summer.