
‘Billy Ogan’ reveals how to adapt to the expensive era Plan a new way to survive – fresh news

‘Billy Ogan’ reveals how to adapt to the expensive era Plan a new way to survive. After posting, there were opinions from various angles.

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In the era of famine and food is expensive all over the land causing many people to face the problem of the burden of increasing costs Some families have to adjust and tighten their belts as much as possible.

Among these include veteran actor Billy Ogan, who came out on a lifestyle in the era of expensive things.

Recently, Billy posted a message on Facebook that “In order to adapt to the rising price of food (It will be more expensive in the future because oil will be more expensive Now the price of oil in the world market is the highest in 7 years) I have to come up with my own eating plan as much as I thought.

1. Make your own meals more often. buy some meals (Think about the menu every week before going to pay)
2. Choose food that can keep at least two meals.
3. Abstain from meat, refrain from pork, chicken, frequent fish.
4. Take the rice to eat by yourself.
5. No coffee outside the house. Make your own food.
6. Eat each meal to be full. will not eat a sip
7. Carry an empty water bottle.
8. Refrain from buying lottery tickets (everyone can’t do this). Just take this first. Who has a good idea? Write about ten items. Anyone who likes it will give away 5 masks.

After posting such messages, there were opinions from various angles. Both agree and disagree with the opinion of the veteran singer.