
Cat in protest; Return-video of the leader being handcuffed and injected

Palakkad: There is a severe shortage of anti-rabies vaccine in government hospitals. In some districts the famine is severe. People who need to be vaccinated are flocking to hospitals for vaccines and syrups. Vaccines and syrups are to be delivered to government hospitals through the Kerala Medical Services Corporation. They also allege that corruption in the name of Kovid period drug collection is affecting the supply of medicines.

Youth Congressmen arrive at the district hospital with cats to protest against the pandemic vaccine shortage. The cat was safely transported to the hospital in a small cardboard box. The cat jumped out of the hands of the leaders and hid somewhere in the hospital during the siege of the superintendent’s office. The cat jumped and ran into the hands of Youth Congress constituency president K. Saddam Hussein. He returned from the district hospital after being vaccinated after the protest.

Anti-rabies serum (ARS) is given to those who are deeply injured by stray dogs and in cases where they are at high risk of infection. There is a severe shortage of ARS even in district and general hospitals. Palakkad District Hospital needs 70-90 ARS per day but cannot provide it. Serum has been available in small quantities since last day. The intradermal rabies vaccine is usually the vaccine for stray dog ​​bites. There is a severe shortage of this too.

In Palakkad district, more than 100 people need IDR vaccination every day. If there is any vaccine stock in any hospital in the district, the vaccinators are told to go there and try to resolve the crisis. He is also being referred to a medical college. Drugs should be injected at regular intervals to prevent the spread of the disease, but the shortage is stifling. It also causes public outrage.

English Summary:  Palakkad Congress protest with cat
