
Check the fortnightly horoscope from 16 – 30 September 2021

Check the horoscope after 16 – 30 September 2021 from the famous fortune teller from Sanook Horoscope of all 12 zodiac signs to guide you in planning your life and preparing for the changes of the stars, your zodiac will rise or fall.

Aries (April 13 – May 13)

work This week you will start to get bored with the job situation you are facing. There may be problems coming in. And you always have to fix it. In addition, be careful of accepting multiple tasks for one person. until unable to move It makes you feel more stressed about work.

finance You only have to waste your money. There is quite a lot of financial outflow. may have to be careful not to turn the money in time causing stress about money Also, be careful when someone borrows or takes money from you. You can’t demand much.

love For single people, this fortnight may have someone who already owns it. Or someone is already talking to come in. Makes you only one of the options. As for those who are already married in this fortnight, you and your lover need to support the relationship. because there will be tension

health be careful of stress There is only one thing for the brain to work hard.

Taurus (14 May – 14 June)

work In this fortnight you will have a lot of things to do at the same time. Plus, someone might bring in other jobs, and you’re hard to refuse. But the work in this fortnight is going well. No big problems come in. Just the work received can be a bit heavy.

finance You still have money to spend. Whether it’s buying things that you want or what you need. In addition, this fortnight you will not be conscious of how much money you spend. Makes in this fortnight have to count from one to a hundred whether it is necessary to buy or not.

love For single people, if you have someone to talk to, be aware that there will be misunderstandings. or both parties feel that they do not want to go further As for those who are already married In this fortnight, be aware that the other party may be dissatisfied for no reason. or the other party is stubborn and doesn’t listen to us

health Watch out for the flu what can be distributed

Gemini (14 Jun – 14 Jul)

work You will be stressed about work. Or is there something that you still haven’t figured out? still can’t fix So during this fortnight your work is not moving forward much. Plus, you may not have much energy to work with, which can make you bored and exhausted.

finance This week you will have quite a lot to spend on yourself. But you can’t help but spend it for yourself. Or buy something that is your own happiness. In addition, they may have to pay for someone else. Or someone can come to borrow money.

love If you have someone to talk to and are trying to approach the other person. Be careful that he’s only interested in you at certain times. Not paying attention to you alone forever. As for those who are already married Your partner will try to understand and give you more time. But you might be interested in something else.

health Watch out for migraine headaches. There’s always a lot to think about.

Cancer (15 Jul. – 16 Aug.)

work In this fortnight, your work is still moving forward. But along the way, there are many problems that you have to solve. This fortnight, someone younger or an apprentice may be able to help you. But you still have to be prepared for many more headaches as well.

finance You’re going to have a lot of expenses flowing at the same time, especially the cost of insurance, health care, or buying something, fixing something new, because there’s going to be something broken at the same time. together this month In addition, family costs may apply.

love for singles If you don’t have one, it’s better to stay single. As for those who have a partner, be careful, the person who talks starts disappearing for a fortnight. As for those who are married, be careful of having problems with their lover. or have a breakup

health have a headache Body aches when the body is gone

Leo (17 Aug. – 16 Sep.)

work In this fortnight your job criteria has changed in a more difficult way. Be aware that many jobs might be difficult or more challenging than before Make this fortnight you have to be more tired than ever.

finance You don’t want to spend a lot of money. But there will be things to use anyway. especially paying for the beauty or self-care maintenance But your income is still coming in uninterrupted, making this fortnight go through without hesitation.

love For singles, this fortnight might be interested in you. You may feel like he’s not the type you like at all. But you won’t let him go right away. As for those who are already married This fortnight, be careful of neglectful lovers. Or do something that becomes dramatic, causing you constant embarrassment.

health Watch out for pressure problems.

Virgo (17 Sept. – 16 Oct.)

work You’ll get more jobs than necessary. Or the work that has been received may be a job that you are not good at or don’t like. It may actually waste a lot of energy. But after completing that task, you will receive the result. Or the outcome of the work will turn out to be good for you.

finance Your expenses will come in quite a lot that it is difficult to manage. Be careful that the savings must be taken out first. Or someone told them to pay, they were postponed. causing in this fortnight may need to be mindful about money for a while

love for singles In this fortnight, one must be careful about the love triangle. Unknowingly entering into a third party Or if someone is talking, he may disappear from sight. As for those who are already married, be careful of disagreements. often dissatisfied

health Beware of emotional issues

Libra (17 Oct. – 15 Nov.)

work This fortnight, you may have to travel back and forth in part of the event. Or you may need to work with someone else. Do your own part Therefore, during this fortnight, there may not be much time. You may also be able to collaborate on projects with new teams. that makes you feel more awake

finance During this period, you will continue to earn money coming in. And there are some costs. but will not be too tight Because you can still manage things well yourself, but there may be a cost associated with the attendant. have some pets

love for singles In this fortnight you have the criteria to meet people from a distance. Come in and offer new, positive feelings, but you may feel that this relationship requires a lot of trust. As for those who are already married In this fortnight, you may need to be careful with your loved ones to work far away. Or maybe they haven’t met much.

health Beware of back pain or speed-related accidents

Scorpio (Nov. 16 – Dec. 15)

work This fortnight, be careful about the amount of work that is not related to time. You will get too many jobs. May cause loading work, do not keep up, or have to constantly demand work And you also have to keep solving the fuss that keeps coming in.

finance You have a threshold to lose money on job matters. adult in the house Or some work that has to be paid to facilitate. Or perhaps it may be necessary to continue to be employed. As for the income that this month, you will still earn a lot of money. as a sum of money

love For singles, you might have a good-hearted person approaching you. But you may not be very grateful for this style of people. As for those who are already married In this fortnight, your lover may not have time for you. until you yourself begin to get used to this feeling

health watch out for weight gain or have problems with the hips, coccyx

Sagittarius (Dec. 16 – Jan. 13)

work You have to force or force yourself to do things that you don’t like very much. Or there may be a job that exceeds your ability. But you have to find a way to do it. In addition, there may be people coming in to contact or offer jobs all the time. But be careful that after accepting that job, there may be problems.

finance This month, your finances will come in quite a lot. Or may earn more money from many ways. But may have to use that money to help the family. or acquaintances with problems This month’s money was spent quite a bit.

love for singles This fortnight, there may be people who want to come and talk. But he may not be a very romantic person. If someone is already talking, it might be a dry conversation. As for those who have a partner in this fortnight, they may be distant. or the relationship is not happy

health Be careful about depression, stress, bipolar

Capricorn (14 Jan – 12 Feb)

work You start to feel bored with your current job. Or what you’re doing is starting to not turn out the way you want. During this period, you may feel that if you go somewhere else, it would be good. Or during this period some projects may be finished or removed. Makes you feel that the chair legs are starting to become unstable.

finance Because you still have income. and can still earn money Make during this month your income is still good. has continuous support And the expenses are starting to be high as well. because you start to spend more money with more hands

love For single people, this week you want to be introverted. Without serious people, I don’t want to waste my time. If you have someone to talk to during this time, different people have their own burdens. make rarely talk As for those who are already married During this time, be careful of misunderstandings. Or the other person is so overbearing that you feel bored.

health Watch out for neck, shoulder, and shoulder problems.

Aquarius (13 Feb. – 13 Mar.)

work During this time, you start to feel like looking for something good for your heart. or doing something new because what you are catching or doing There are so many that you feel uncertain. Or during this period you have to accept too much work. to the point that nothing can be organized

finance You will be charged in excess. I want something good for my heart must be careful not to suppress the desire Or someone may come to you for help, ask for your money, be aware that once you’ve got it, it can become a problem. have to lose friends lose feelings again

love for singles In this fortnight, be careful that another person enters. until love becomes a third hand You might regret it if you trust someone too much. As for those who are already married in this fortnight Be aware that your partner can make you feel uncomfortable.

health Still nothing to worry about.

Pisces (14 Mar. – 12 Apr.)

work The work starts to pile up at you too much. Or do you have to wait for the manager to take care of it all when it’s hardly your job? or if still unemployed You may have to wait for the results of your application. or as a result it may be postponed. not announced on time

finance Be careful that you will spend a lot of money from the day you get it. Cause in the middle of the month may have to save or not have much money left to do things that you want to do Your income is still coming in. But it may not be related to expenses.

love For singles, you still have no one in this fortnight. And there may not be anyone who is impressed. If you have someone to talk to He hasn’t decided on you yet. As for the couple Be careful that you will be judged by the other party. or don’t care about your feelings as much as they should

health Be careful of exhaustion, tiredness, feeling like you don’t want to do anything.
