
Check! Warning signs of “lung cancer”, the second leading cause of death among Thai people

Lung cancer is the second leading cause of death in Thai people. Heed the warning signs. Chronic for more than 2 weeks, coughing up blood or sputum, chest pain, weight loss, tiredness, weakness, loss of appetite, some people may have low-grade fever or recurring lung infections.

Dr. Somsak Ankasil, director-general of the Department of Medical Services, revealed that lung cancer It is the second leading cause of death in Thai people (2nd in men after liver cancer and No. 1 in women).lung cancerAt first it was difficult. and has a high mortality rate

The main reasons for the risk of lung cancer include:

1. Smoking, including all kinds of cigarettes It is the most important cause of lung cancer. Smokers may be 10 times more likely to develop lung cancer than nonsmokers, including nonsmokers. But inhaling from other people’s cigarettes is at higher risk than the average person. Because cigarette smoke contains more than 60 types of carcinogens.

2. Get asbestos (Asbestos) is a mineral used in many industries. such as construction Building structure, brake lining, insulation People at risk are people who live or work in environments with asbestos contaminants, which can take 15-35 years to develop lung cancer. For non-smokers who work with asbestos dust. may be up to 5 times more likely to develop lung cancer than the general population

3. Other causes of pollution such as PM 2.5, benzene, formaldehyde, etc. However, many lung cancer patients Never had a history of smoking or asbestos. Currently, there is no effective and cost-effective way to screen for lung cancer. When patients have abnormal symptoms, they tend to have the disease in the advanced stage. This makes early detection of the disease difficult and has a high mortality rate. The best way today is to avoid risk factors.

Warning signs are ‘lung cancer’.

Dr. Sakan Bunnag, Directorcancer instituteNational added that

Suspected symptoms of lung cancer include:

  • Persistent cough for more than 2 weeks
  • Coughing up blood or sputum
  • Chest pain, weight loss, easy tiredness
  • fatigue, loss of appetite
  • Some people may have a low-grade fever or have repeated lung infections.

Actually, these symptoms are not specific tolung cancermay be found in other diseases such as pulmonary tuberculosis

If symptoms are suspected, further investigation is necessary. Diagnosis is made by x-ray or CT scan, in combination with chemotherapy. check for cancer cells such as sputum examination or a lung biopsy Once found to have lung cancer, the doctor will definitely provide information for the patient and relatives to decide.

considering type of cancer Disease stage and progression The strength of the patient is the main Treatment includes surgery, medication, radiation, or a combination of treatments. This is because lung cancer screening for early detection is difficult and has a high mortality rate.

Therefore, avoiding risk factors such as refraining from smoking Protect yourself from exposure to asbestos or pollution. Avoid high-fat foods. eat more fruits and vegetables Exercise regularly and get enough rest to increase.immunityof the body and urgently see a doctor when there are abnormal symptoms, therefore it is important