
China talks about sanctions relief despite North Korean missile security council convening “You have to stop it from getting worse”

picture explanationZhao Lijian, spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of China

The Chinese government reiterated its theory of easing sanctions against North Korea, despite North Korea’s test-fire of a ballistic missile in violation of a UN Security Council resolution on the 15th.

During a regular briefing on the 17th, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Zhao Li-Jian (趙立堅) discussed sanctions relief, stating that countries related to the Korean Peninsula should refrain from worsening the situation by restraining themselves and acting cautiously when asked about the position of North Korea’s ballistic missile launch discussed at the UN Security Council. mentioned the need for

“China and Russia have repeatedly implemented the reversible provisions of the Security Council’s resolutions on North Korea as soon as possible, taking relevant sanctions, especially those necessary for North Korea’s humanitarian and livelihood sanctions regulations, to break through the current crisis and resume dialogue,” said Zhao. “We have been appealing to create the conditions and atmosphere of the city,” he said.

Considering that North Korea has not conducted a nuclear test or an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) test launch since the end of 2018, the purpose of the resolution is to ease sanctions by activating the reversible clause of the resolution on North Korea, and then restore the sanctions if North Korea provokes again.

North Korea is acting in violation of the Security Council resolutions on the 15th, and China’s position is at odds with the general trend of the international community in that it is right after the UN Security Council meeting was held to discuss its response.

Spokesperson Zhao introduced that China has reiterated its principled position in the recent Security Council discussions on North Korea’s ballistic missiles, and reiterated the principle of ‘twin-kick’ and the principle of gradual and simultaneous resolution. emphasized.

Regarding the issue of resuming the Six-Party Talks, which had been suspended for more than 10 years, he said, “The Six-Party Talks are an effective system for the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula, peace and stability on the Korean Peninsula and in Northeast Asia, and an important platform for improving relations between countries.” The goal of each paragraph and the principle of resolving the concerns of each country simultaneously, on an equal footing and in a balanced way are still of guiding significance,” he said.

“Of course, the resumption of the Six-Party Talks also faces considerable difficulties,” he said. “The current situation on the Korean Peninsula is at an important and sensitive juncture. he exaggerated.


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