
Chinese mother detained for complaining about death of 12-year-old daughter after receiving coronavirus vaccine

A woman in China who complained that her 12-year-old daughter died after being vaccinated against COVID-19 was arrested and detained by the police for disturbing ‘public order’.

According to Hong Kong’s South China Morning Post (SCMP) on the 20th, Zhang Yanhong (44), who had filed a complaint about the relationship between the corona 19 vaccination and the death of her daughter on the 15th, was arrested and detained by the police in Fuyang City, Henan Province.

Yang Rui Juan, a friend of Zhang, said that the public security officer had charged Zhang with ‘disrupting public order’.

Jang’s daughter was vaccinated with the COVID-19 vaccine on August 10, and two days later, she suddenly became seriously ill and died on August 28.

The hospital explained that Jang’s daughter died of brain dysfunction due to septic inflammation, but Jang did not accept this conclusion and applied for a reexamination.

Last month, Zhang visited a complaint-listening agency in the capital Beijing and complained that local officials refused to file complaints related to her daughter’s death.

A lawyer from Henan province told SCMP that “local officials will do everything they can to prevent people from going to Beijing to file complaints because the authorities are going to hold a political event in Beijing soon.” It can be a very sensitive case.”

The CCP will hold the 6th Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China next month.

In China, where authorities strongly control the media, deaths suspected to be related to COVID-19 vaccination are not reported by major media outlets.

[사진 출처 : AP=연합뉴스]