
ChromeOS adds a privacy indicator similar to Android


Android has already added a feature called “Privacy Indicators” that allows you to control when audio from your device’s microphone or video from your device’s camera is allowed to be recorded, and this will be added to ChromeOS as well.

Speaking specifically about this report, for example, on Android, when an app accesses the microphone or camera, a bubble or green dot is displayed. You can see at first glance that it works.

ChromeOS adds a privacy indicator similar to Android
Android privacy indicator

We now know that an experimental flag will be added for testing on ChromeOS.

Privacy Indicators: Add Chrome flag for the feature.

chrome://flags#enable-privacy-indicators should be available after this

Enable Privacy Indicators: While screen sharing or camera / microphone is accessed, show a green icon in the status area and add a silent notification to the tray.

Gerrit Chromium

the flag is #enable-privacy-indicators it will now add a silent notification to your tray with a green icon in the status area while you access screen sharing or camera and microphone.

I think it’s a good change because I think there’s a big advantage in terms of protecting privacy, like when you share your mic, camera or screen unknowingly, or when you do it unintentionally .

It seems it’s not possible to try it yet at the moment, but I’ll report back if it becomes possible to try it in a future update like Canary.

Source: Chrome Story
