
Cold weather burst blood vessels? Nutritionists urge 8 major heart-protecting diets to eat 3 servings of “this food” a week to reduce the risk of myocardial infarction by 34%|Health 2.0

The weather is cold and it is urgent to take care of the health of the heart and blood vessels. Nutritionist Li Wanping said that in addition to regular regular exercise, avoiding smoking, and adjusting stress, people can also take in a balanced variety of nutrients from natural foods to protect the cardiovascular system.

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8 diets to protect the cardiovascular system

1. Rich in anthocyanins “berry”

Such as strawberries, blueberries, etc. Li Wanping pointed out that berries are rich in flavonoids and anthocyanins, which are believed to have strong disease resistance, which can improve blood flow and prevent the formation of plaque, which is beneficial to the heart. One of the reasons recommended by the American Heart Association is to reduce the risk of heart attack in women. A study in 2013 pointed out that women who ate 3 or more servings of blueberries and strawberries a week had a 34% lower risk of myocardial infarction compared with those who ate less than 3 servings a month.

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2. 300 grams of “dark green leafy vegetables” per day

Such as spinach, green cauliflower, kale, kale, sweet potato leaves and so on. Li Wanping said that dark green leafy vegetables are rich in antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. Among them, the folic acid in the vitamin B group can help reduce the concentration of homocysteine ​​in the body. There have been integrated analysis papers showing that folic acid supplementation can significantly reduce the risk of stroke in patients with cardiovascular diseases.

3. Contains Omega-3 fatty acid “salmon”

The American Heart Association recommends eating salmon twice a week, which not only provides protein, but salmon is also rich in Omega-3 fatty acids that can make the heart healthier. Li Wanping said that other deep-sea fish, such as saury, mackerel, and mackerel, also have a heart-protecting effect.

4. Provide β-glucan “oats”

Obtaining a whole grain food source of dietary fiber contributes to the health of the digestive system. Li Wanping said that the water-soluble fiber “β-glucan” of oatmeal can improve cholesterol, regulate blood sugar, and prevent heart attack or stroke. It is recommended to choose whole oatmeal without sodium, sugar or preservatives as much as possible.

5. 1 tablespoon of “nut seeds” per day

Li Wanping said that the fat contained in nut seeds is monounsaturated or polyunsaturated fat, which has a positive effect on improving cholesterol and preventing cardiovascular diseases; but it is best to choose salt-free, original products, and not excessive intake, one per day A tablespoon (about 5 almonds, 10 peanuts, and 5 cashews) is enough.

6. Eat “Original Yogurt” twice a week

Original yogurt can provide calcium, protein and vitamin D. “American Journal of Hypertension” research shows that taking yogurt can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease for adults with high blood pressure. Those who consume more than 2 times a week have a reduced risk of major coronary heart disease or stroke. 20%.

7. Common people’s food-“sweet potato, sweet potato leaves”

Sweet potatoes are rich in dietary fiber and magnesium, which are very important for preventing and controlling diabetes. Studies have pointed out that Caiapo, a substance extracted from sweet potatoes, can improve insulin sensitivity in patients with type 2 diabetes, thereby improving blood sugar. Sweet potato leaves contain a lot of polyphenols, which can inhibit the oxidation of low-density lipoprotein (LDL), thereby reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease.


8. Eat some “dark chocolate” in moderation

Li Wanping said, try to choose dark chocolate that does not contain sugar and saturated fat, has fewer processing procedures, and has a cocoa content of at least 70%. Resveratrol and cocoa polyphenols (flavonoids) in dark chocolate are related to heart health. In the 2020 European Journal of Preventive Cardiology, a paper stated that those who ate chocolate at least once a week had an 8% lower risk of coronary artery disease than those who ate less than once a week.

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Li Wanping added that even if it is a healthy food, don’t forget to master the principle of “moderate and appropriate amount”. Eating more does not mean you will get more benefits; only the more diverse the diet, the more complete the nutrients you get.

◎ Picture source/Dazhi Image/Shutterstock
◎ Source/Li Wanping Nutritionist

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Cold weather burst blood vessels? Nutritionists urge 8 major heart-protecting diets to eat 3 servings of