
Compare my apartment management fee with neighboring complexes at a glance

Compare project costs by company to prevent bid rigging
Won Hee-ryong “Announce plan to make administrative expenses transparent this month”

In the future, it will be possible to compare the cost of managing the apartment complex I live in and the neighboring complex through the K-apt.

The Korea Real Estate Agency announced the ‘K-apt system upgrade plan’ at a meeting held at the West Urban Housing and Finance Center on the 4th with Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport Won Hee-ryong in attendance.

Based on the Geographical Information System (GIS), the Real Estate Agency intends to introduce a system that can compare the total management costs per area with neighboring apartment complexes at a glance.

It’s a method that makes the total management fees appear on the map just like the actual transaction price of apartments by region in the real estate app.

Compare my apartment management cost with neighboring complexes at a glance

In addition, a function is added to compare project costs by company and type of construction to prevent rigging of construction proposals.

For example, it is possible to compare how much company A has received a successful application for building a bike stand in complex B, which has 600 homes, and how much it has received in complex C, which has 400 homes.

The Real Estate Agency asked for the law to be amended, saying that if the scope of flats is expanded from 100 or more households to 50 or more households under the Flats Control Act, the number of complexes that require disclosure of management fees. expansion from 17,584 complexes to 28,483 complexes.

If this happens, the proportion of households with mandatory disclosure of management fees will increase from 72.9% to 81.8%.

At the same time, it was decided to specify the details of the management fee in the standard management agreement for offices and promote a review of the Joint Construction Act in consultation with the Ministry of Justice so that the management fee items are reflected in the form standard housing rental contract.

Minister Won said, “Cooperation with the private sector needs to be strengthened along with system improvements such as expanding the disclosure of information about administrative costs and preparing a device to block administrative corruption.

/happy news