
conceal? The police asked to remove the clip. After the girl revealed that she was attacked by the Tang San Mafia Gang and held in a dog cage for more than 16 hours.

This event made the netizens boil again. with the most watched stories of the past few days After the incident, 9 thugs attacked a girl in a grill shop. in Tangshan City, Hebei Province, leading to the unveilingmafia gang in tangshanand questioning the police if they may have been involved. Recently, a young woman has recorded a clip revealing the story of her and her friends who were detained, attacked by the Tang San Mafia gang and asked by the police to delete the clip.

The victim of the gang revealed that on May 23, she and her friend, a singer and bar employee, Was deceived by the Tang San Mafia Gang and imprisoned at a bar. The CCTV inside the bar was all cut off. Personal belongings such as mobile phones, their ID cards were confiscated before they were forced to kneel. and was attacked by the body They were also threatened to sign certain contracts. She was later taken to another dark room where she was kept in a dog cage for more than 16 hours.

Her clip quickly went viral. until a police officer contacted her to delete the clip. This made the netizens very dissatisfied.

“I ask you to delete the clip urgently. The National Guard is solving this problem. The government is watching closely.” police said

The police force of Luanzhou, Hebei province, has reportedly arrested four suspects on charges of harassing people.

ที่มา: The woman reported the Tangshan underworld gang and was asked to delete the video by the police station? Police: Investigating (
The woman reported being illegally detained by the underworld. The Public Security Bureau: 4 suspects have been arrested (Sin Chew Daily Malaysia Latest News and Headlines)