
Conquering is not just over! Wiroj pins 4 flags that must be done in order to ‘solve’ the pollution problem permanently.

Conquering is not just over! Wiroj pins 4 flags that must be done in order to ‘solve’ the pollution problem permanently.

Asking the question What is the most popular sticker that many trucks usually wear? to reveal the “Tribute to the lorry” or “Tribute to the highway” process leading to a transparent audit of the organizational structure in transport

is the main role Wiroj Lakkhanaadisorn Mr That the list of Kao Klai Party MPs, the latest on June 1, posted a message on Facebook relating to the issue. to important issues such as “Solving the pollution problem” that

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Speaking about the problem of corruption in Thailand In the past, there was no oppression. There were fights from time to time. But after a while, the corruption came back again, that’s because We focus on solving individual problems. But it doesn’t solve the structural problem at all.

Therefore, to solve the pollution problem is the best. We must not only prevent But the structure must also be corrected. and it must make people from all sectors Anticipate the mutual benefits of a corruption-free system. cause pollution There is a more chaotic process than simple work. Corruption will continue to appear. never run out

Therefore, I believe that the pollution problem must be solvedFlags are important in solving problems in 4 areas. together in

1) Create a system where good civil servants have the opportunity to grow in their careers. Civil servants at the executive level receive welfare, morale and good morale in the honest performance of their duties.

Must not have trading positions. no ticket system Because if you get a job by buying not being able to have to use power to withdraw the capital Or having to pay back the mafia owner of the capital

2) Comprehensive suppression of the tribute circuit Not just catching minnows Therefore, having the Whistleblower Protection Act is very important. Because if those who expose corruption will be kept as a witness and well protected Whenever the corruption network expands until the benefits are inconsistent When the exposure happened It will give enough evidence to the state. to break the network of corruption in an entire nest

3) Amend the chaotic laws Full of business Too much discretion on the authorities, the content and statutes of the law are unreasonable. contrary to international standards Not consistent with the actual practice Laws like this will make people who intend to do business honestly it must be illegal so it should not be making some bad bureaucrats Take this kind of law to use as a tool to chase, harass, to claim benefits.

as the case #Highway Tribute that must be reviewed Originally, the requirement for trailers, whether 6 axles, 20 wheels, 6 axles, 22 wheels, or 7 axles, 24 wheels, had a weight limit of 52 tonnes, 53 tonnes, and 58 tonnes, in suddenly the NCPO changed to have the same weight limit of 50.5 tons on July 1, 2014, is it reasonable according to engineering principles or not, or is it a modification of the criteria? To make a dog for people who do legal suddenly Become an illegal person like that

generally truck weight limit Must be considered from the average weight per wheel. not total weight If the load is heavy But there are enough wheels to transfer the weight to the road. it will not be a problem In this regard, the criteria for limiting the weight of trucks can consult engineering from the country or the Council of Engineers review in accordance with engineering principles and set new criteria to make it reasonable

If the law is reasonable Nobody wants to pay tribute.

4) Bring technology to help create transparency in the bureaucratic system. and reduce the officers’ discretion like
– Online transactions, reducing administrative work and unnecessary authorization procedures.
– Transparent disclosure of procurement information
– Using AI to capture the suspicion of an offer, procurement, etc.

In the case of #tribute to the highway, if we change the weighing system from queuing up to the checkpoint to become a system “Weighing in Motion (WIM)” It will mean operators will not have to waste time queuing to press. Which vehicle carries excess weight? The order is issued electronically immediately. and then go to pay the fine through the banking system

summarize is to solve the problem of corruption. it cannot be used to subdue only the structure will also need to be repaired if it is only suppressed After a while, it will come back again. If we do together the two legislative improvement tyranny Having a moral system encourages good people to grow and progress in their careers. and the use of technology to support, in the end, the problem of pollution being treated permanently and sustainably