
Cooperating with the Liver Foundation’s “Abdominal Ultrasound” screening activity, Yuanli Li General Hospital detected 167 abnormalities-News-Free Health

Dr. Xu Chengyu from the Department of Hepatobiliary and Gastroenterology, Yuanlili General Hospital, said that the activities of the Liver Foundation are of great significance. In particular, regular ultrasound examinations can help determine the condition and early detection of liver cancer. (Provided by Li Zongyuan Li)

[Reporter Cai Zhengmin/Miaoli Report]Yuanli Li General Hospital cooperated with the Liver Disease Prevention Academic Foundation to organize the “Abdominal Ultrasound” activity. A total of 187 people were screened, of which 167 had abdominal abnormalities, 5 were highly suspected of liver cancer, and 26 others. For benign liver tumors, 12 people had liver parenchymal lesions, 5 people had splenomegaly, and 125 people had fatty liver.

Xu Chengyu, a hepatobiliary and gastroenterologist at Yuanli Lee General Hospital, said that Taiwan is a region where viral hepatitis is prone to occur. “Liver cancer” has been among the top causes of cancer deaths in Taiwan for many years. The silent organ-the liver, has no nerves. There are often no symptoms to follow in the early and middle stages. , It is usually late when discovered.

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Xu Chengyu emphasized that regular ultrasound examinations can help determine the condition and early detection of liver cancer. Blood sampling cannot fully confirm all liver diseases. Because the liver does not have pain nerves, the way to ensure it can only rely on regular examinations and early diagnosis. Sound waves are the complete inspection.

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