
Corona sequelae that continues, what foods are helpful?

Long covid lasts for a long time, reducing quality of life and endangering health. [사진=게티이미지뱅크]

It is expected that the whole country will be mostly sunny and the temperature will be similar to normal. The daily temperature difference will be around 15 degrees, centering on the inland, so be careful with your clothes. Strong winds will blow mainly in the mountainous areas of Gangwon, so let’s manage facilities and prepare for safety accidents. The morning minimum temperature was 9-18 degrees Celsius, and the daytime high temperature 22-30 degrees Celsius was forecast. The fine dust concentration is expected to be ‘normal’ nationwide.

Today’s Health= It is easy to find patients complaining of Long Covid and Post-Corona Syndrome. He complains of fatigue, cough, muscle pain, and loss of taste, as well as mental symptoms such as poor concentration, depression and anxiety. Long covid that causes inconvenience in daily life. Find out about ingredients that can help relieve symptoms and restore daily life.

◆ Tired all day, no appetite

According to a study published in the scientific journal Nature in 2021, 61% of confirmed patients suffered sequelae six months after infection. Among them, disorders of smell and taste accounted for 25%, and in many cases persisted for a long time. Severely infected with the Corona 19 virus, the nerves responsible for smell and taste are damaged and symptoms occur.

In this case, stimulating the taste buds with sweet and sour fruit helps recovery. Fruits such as tangerines, lemons, and grapefruit are rich in vitamin C, a natural antioxidant, and help reduce oxidative stress and improve fatigue. It is good for managing the skin neglected in the mask as it has a great skin beauty effect. However, if you do not feel the ‘taste’ at all after eating sour fruits such as lemons, you should immediately visit a hospital and seek medical attention due to severe loss of taste.

Also, reduce the consumption of caffeine-rich coffee and soda, and avoid consuming spicy, salty, and stimulant foods. They destroy taste cells, further weakening taste. Avoiding alcohol or quitting smoking also helps in recovery, and reduce the intake of instant and processed foods that contain a lot of food additives that slow cells.

◆ Blood vessel health emergency

According to an overseas study, the probability of developing cardiovascular disease in patients infected with COVID-19 was higher than those without infection. Although the symptoms of the aftereffects of COVID-19 are diverse, cardiovascular disease is life-threatening and requires thorough prevention and management.

Onion strengthens capillaries, promotes blood circulation, and helps remove fat and cholesterol accumulated in blood vessels. It is also one of the foods that high blood pressure and diabetes patients should consume because it is good for blood sugar control. Seaweed, which is called the vegetable of the sea, is low-fat and low-calorie, but has a great feeling of satiety, so you can eat it at will. Ingredients such as alganic acid and laminin lower cholesterol levels in the body and prevent arteriosclerosis.

For blood vessel health, steady cholesterol level management is necessary, but it is important to discharge waste products from the body. Green tea and Pu-erh tea are diuretic and induce the excretion of inflammatory substances or sodium from the body. However, it is not suitable to drink instead of water, so drink tea instead of coffee after meals.

◆ Trying to catch corona symptoms ruins stomach health

There are many cases of gastrointestinal disorders due to long-term use of pain relievers or antibiotics to relieve headaches and coughs caused by long covid. Experts also raise the possibility that problems with the autonomic nervous system may have occurred while fighting the coronavirus, causing gastrointestinal disorders.

In order to keep the stomach healthy, a regular diet is the most important. Avoid spicy and oily foods, and cool hot drinks or soups with lukewarm water. Eat raw vegetables and fruits at every meal, and snack with soy milk and tofu, which are easy to digest and high in protein. Be careful as drinking coffee on an empty stomach can irritate the stomach wall and make symptoms worse.

Cabbage is rich in vitamin U, which prevents inflammation and promotes recovery. Sulforaphane in broccoli removes Helicobacter pylori, prevents gastritis, and strengthens immune function to relieve symptoms of chronic gastrointestinal disease.

By Kim Hye-won, staff reporter

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