
Cyberpunk 2077 has been officially verified by the Steam Deck.

Monday, March 6, 2023, 7:11:26 PM Indochina time

Cyberpunk 2077 has been added to the games list Steam Deck Verified The official game is complete. Cyberpunk 2077 It was released in 2020 and is said to be a very hardware intensive game as it is a game. Open world and after Play a game which is quite graphical Although the game appears to run smoothly on Steam Deck last year But many players think it can still be improved.

After the news last year that Red Project CD Secretly added settings optimized for them Steam Deck i Cyberpunk 2077 Secretly, the latest developer has announced on Tweet that the game has been officially confirmed for compatibility Steam Deck and for players who have Cyberpunk 2077 in Steam Library can run the game on it already Steam Deck at once

This news is, of course, good news for fans of multiplayer games with machines. Console portable Valve in possession because Checked The game comes with a statement. ‘Phantom Liberty’ DLC will come this year too and make them able to play Cyberpunk 2077 anywhere and anytime

However, some fans said so Cyberpunk 2077 it should be played on a bigger screen and not in Steam Deck to gain experience Open world from the full game by Cyberpunk 2077 joins the game list Steam Deck Verified in conjunction with other famous games such as Dead Space, Like a Dragon: Ishin a The legacy of Hogwarts and much more

Cyberpunk 2077 Now available for PC, PS4, PS5, Stadia, Xbox One a Xbox Series X/S