
diabetic Avoid rice, refined flour, reduce the risk of complications.

Department of Health advises diabetic patients Avoid rice, refined flour, reduce the risk of complications.

Department of Health, Ministry of Public Health Advise diabetic patients Should avoid eating food groups of rice and flour that have undergone the polishing process. Reduce the risk of glycotoxin toxins or AGEs, preventing complications. and may lead to death
Dr. Suwanchai Wattana Yingcharoenchai Director-General of the Department of Health said that rice, flour and products that have been polished It is low in fiber but high in sugar. Can digest and cause blood sugar levels to rise faster when blood sugar reacts with protein causing the protein to be deformed And produce substances called AGEs (Advanced glycation end products), which are toxins that cause cell degeneration in the body, affecting the performance of that organ to work less. until complications occur in diabetic And can lead to death, so diabetic patients should avoid eating rice flour through the polishing process. to maintain normal blood sugar levels and should eat the right amount By choosing the type that is not polished, such as brown rice, riceberry rice, hom nin rice, etc., because in addition to having carbohydrates also high in dietary fiber It is classified as a rice with a lower Glycemic Index than white rice. help slow the increase of blood sugar levels It also contains antioxidants that help inhibit the formation of AGEs.

“Diabetes patients can eat food like normal people. But be careful in choosing the type of food. and control the amount appropriately will not get too much sugar into the body There are simple principles as follows: 1.) Eat nutritious food from 5 food groups, 3 meals a day, without skipping any meals. Eat a similar amount at every meal every day. Do not eat small sips between meals. 2.) Should eat vegetables at every meal. Either fresh or boiled vegetables Control the intake of starchy vegetables such as pumpkin, carrots, yam, peas, etc. 3.) Avoid consumption of sugar, soft drinks, energy drinks, sweets, candied fruits Sweet fruits such as durian, sweet tamarind, longan, lychee, grapes, sapodilla, custard, watermelon, jackfruit, etc. 4.) Avoid high-fat foods such as animal fats, butter, lard, lean meats, animal organs, oysters, egg yolks, cream, and coconut milk. Change the cooking method from fried. It is stewed, boiled, and steamed instead. 5.) Control body weight. to be in the normal range. 6.) Do not drink alcoholic beverages. or limiting alcohol consumption to a minimum Because alcohol may affect medications used to control diabetes and various diseases. 7.) Exercise regularly, such as brisk walking, cycling 3-5 times a week for 30 minutes each time. 8.) Refrain from smoking to reduce the risk of heart disease. and blood vessels, and 9.) See a doctor by regular appointments to monitor blood sugar Take medicines strictly as prescribed by your doctor. Do not adjust or reduce the dose based on feelings. Do not buy a set of pills to take by yourself. For herbal use should be considered together. with the treating doctor,” said the Director-General of the Department of Health.