There is a way to increase your stamina without eating eel tail or garlic extract. Avoid the following foods. Surprisingly, it is similar to a diet diet.

❌ Dairy products including milk
Milk and other dairy products contain large amounts of calcium. However, when this calcium is excessive, it inhibits vitamin D in the blood. Vitamin D stimulates the secretion of the hormone testosterone. Testosterone increases muscle mass and increases basal metabolic rate. In addition, vitamin D is also an element that prevents prostate cancer in men. That is why eating too much milk and milk products has a negative effect on ‘stamina’ if vitamin D in the blood is suppressed.

❌ Food flour
Foods made from flour, especially bread, are not conducive to stamina. This is because three fourths of the zinc in flour is lost during bread processing. Zinc is a component that has a beneficial effect on male appetite and reproductive health. Foods processed with flour that we eat with this lost component can cause problems with stamina in the long term. If a man eats too much flour food for a long time, it can also act as a cause of ‘infertility’.

❌ Caffeinated drinks
Academic opinion is that coffee is not completely harmless. Caffeine is a stimulant, and too much can cause anxiety or nervousness. It is also known to affect heart rate and increase blood pressure. There is a correlation between caffeine, the main ingredient in coffee, and libido. When consumed in large quantities, heart rate and tension increase, and at the same time libido is reduced. This is because it is an imbalance of hormones in the body.

❌ Greasy food such as tempura
I don’t think anyone would believe that chips are good for your health. Fatty foods, such as fried foods, build up saturated fat and cholesterol in the blood vessels. This causes problems with blood circulation. Blood circulation plays an important role in erectile dysfunction and male impotence, so it cannot be a bigger problem. In addition, the hydrogenated fat contained in chips inhibits male testosterone levels, causing a reduction in virility.

❌ Processed meats such as ham and sausages
The male hormone testosterone is made from cholesterol. Cholesterol can be consumed mainly through meat, but there is another reason to be cautious about the intake of processed meat. This is because energy and blood vessel health are closely linked. Processed meat ages blood vessels and increases saturated fat intake, which is the cause of obesity. If you eat red meat, try to avoid parts that contain a lot of fat, and eating white meat that contains a lot of unsaturated fat, such as chicken or duck, is more useful for stamina.