
Don’t Spike Empathy, Multiple Personality Suspicion Symptoms Typical Drug Side Effects

In a recent broadcast, he admitted his sympathies and symptoms of multiple personality.
Expert “This phenomenon is a typical symptom of methamphetamine addiction”

Composer and singer Don Spike. Ten Asia DB

Composer-singer Don Spike (45, real name Kim Min-soo), who was arrested on drug charges, recently admitted on a broadcast, and expert analysis draws attention as the representative side effects of drugs are the personality and the many sympathies.

Choi Jin-mook, director of drug addiction counseling at Incheon Chaamsarang Hospital, who has been taking drugs for 23 years and is now living a new life as a drug addiction counselor, appeared on CBS Radio’s ‘Kim Hyun-jung’s News Show’ on the 29th and talk about money spikes.

Director Choi explained, “(Don Spike) appeared on the show and had an interview that he had piriformis and was too obsessive.

Director Choi said, “Each drug has a different state. When you take methamphetamine, you suspect your wife, then you become obsessed with it, and then you experience another me inside, I feel like there are so many people like this.”

In fact, Don Spike said in Channel A’s ‘Oh Eun-young’s Golden Counseling Center’ on the 26th of last month, “I have a quadruple personality. Sometimes it feels like 10 minutes have passed in the blink of an eye. ”

Director Choi claimed it was an after-effect of drugs. He said, “Medically, people say that the biggest release of dopamine in a person’s life is when they die, when a man and a woman are in love, and when they have an orgasm,” he said. “I feel 100 times as much as I did. I feel pleasure continuously for at least 4 hours and at most 72 hours.”

The problem, he pointed out, is that the brain wants this. Director Choi said, “If I have to suffer with my will, I deceive myself, that is, I create various situations and deceive myself.” When you get to the end, it changes to ‘I’m taking medicine because of you’.”

Director Choi admitted that he tried to choose the extreme several times that day and said, “Everyone thinks, ‘When you do drugs, you have to give it up. It was falling from until I was in a situation where I couldn’t stop taking drugs, so I tried to make extreme choices.”

It is said that even if they do not make the extreme choice, they continue to take drugs and the frontal lobe is damaged, memory is reduced, emotions go up and to down, and they become self-centred, such as an inability to read other people. emotions, and become a nuisance.
Choi said, “You shouldn’t do it even once out of curiosity.”

He said, “Drugs are very taboo and illegal in Korea, so my closest acquaintance tells me about them. “He said, “Sometimes I do it by searching the Internet. A group has been formed. People such are informed by a person close to them and they start out of curiosity.”

He also said, “When I was doing drugs 30 years ago, there weren’t many (drug criminals) because there were transactions between people of a very special class or people who actually did it. They are in their 30s,” he said, causing concern about the spread of drugs among young people. In particular, he said that the number of drug offenders has increased significantly since the corona virus passed.

Finally, Director Choi pointed out, “Even if you want to quit drugs, the biggest problem is that you don’t know how to do it because you don’t have an education.” He said, “When I go to prison and do group counseling in it, it’s really hopeless, but there’s no way to rebuild it. I think the people who do it don’t know and they must punish them.”

He also urged, “In Korea, the recidivism rate is about 35%. It seems that there is a policy set up for people who take drugs once and do it twice, but there is no policy for 35%.” Now is the time to prepare.”

Ji-min Jang, Guest Correspondent at