
Double kill of stocks and debts! How powerful will the Fed Minutes “Nuclear Bomb” be?丨Three thirty in the world

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CBN 2022-01-07 16:09:51

Editor in charge: Hao Yunying

In the early hours of Thursday morning, the Federal Reserve announced the minutes of its December monetary policy meeting, suggesting that it will raise interest rates sooner and faster, and some policymakers support the reduction of its balance sheet shortly after the interest rate hike, in order to carry out “quantitative tightening.” Affected by this, Wall Street suffered a double kill of stocks and debts. How powerful is the “nuclear bomb” of the Fed Minutes? Where is the Fed Eagle in this minutes?


Double kill of stocks and debts! How powerful will the Fed Minutes “Nuclear Bomb” be?丨Three thirty in the world

In the early hours of Thursday morning, the Federal Reserve announced the minutes of its December monetary policy meeting, suggesting that it will raise interest rates sooner and faster, and some policymakers support the reduction of its balance sheet shortly after the interest rate hike, in order to carry out “quantitative tightening.” Affected by this, Wall Street suffered a double kill of stocks and debts. How powerful is the “nuclear bomb” of the Fed Minutes? Where is the Fed Eagle in this minutes?

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