
Fake news. Thailand has a full country of oil, but it is expensive to sell to the people. “PTT” explains that only 41% is not enough.

According to the information published on the subject Thailand has many oil resources, but “PTT” to sell oil to the public at an expensive price The Anti-Fake News Center conducted an investigation with PTT Public Company Limited, the Ministry of Energy. is false information

“PTT” Clarified that in the case of posting information that says country full of oil both on land and at sea The cost of digging for oil is only 1-2 baht per liter, then set the price for the people to use at the import price. and also increase the value of oil to be expensive To facilitate the illegal oil trade, PTT Public Company Limited, Ministry of Energy explained the issue that Thailand’s petroleum procurement in 2021 (Jan.-Jul. 2021) is procured from domestic sources, averaging 0.79 million barrels of oil equivalent per day. A 2 percent increase compared to 2020 for the same period. Petroleum can be procured from domestic sources. The proportion is 41%, divided into 13% crude oil (average 102,823 barrels per day), liquefied natural gas 10% (average 76,233 barrels per day) and natural gas. (including the Thai-Malaysia Joint Development Area 77% (average 3,502 million cubic feet per day), the rest 59% must be imported.
from abroad with the trend of demand And the country’s energy supply continues to tend to increase continuously. making it dependent on imports from abroad

In 2021 (Jan.-Jul. 2021), the proportion of crude oil imports is as high as 89 percent compared to the total domestic crude oil supply. while natural gas can still rely on natural gas 69 percent of the domestic production, but to meet the growing demand, additional natural gas was supplied. There are two forms of natural gas imports, which are imports from Myanmar natural gas fields and imports of LNG (liquefied natural gas).

Therefore, the state must have guidelines for efficient energy management in various fields. with measures for procurement along with the use To create an energy balance and strengthen the country’s long-term energy security

The reason why crude oil can be drilled in Thailand Must be exported to sell abroad as follows:

  • Crude oil from some sources in the country has high contaminants and is of low quality, not suitable for domestic refineries. which cannot be distilled by normal processes But such crude oil Only 15% of that is procured from all domestic sources.
  • Exports of crude oil that are not suitable for domestic refineries It also adds more value because the Petroleum Law stipulates that Exporters must export at higher prices than domestic sales. This allows the state to benefit more from the collection of royalty. and Petroleum Income Tax which the export of crude oil There are laws closely supervised, carefully and strict.

The reason why Thailand has to import oil which can be exported are as follows:

  1. Crude oil is not suitable for the technology of domestic crude oil refineries. partially produced High levels of heavy metal contaminants If the refinery buys this part of crude oil This will increase the cost of refining and equipment modification costs to optimize oil quality. and will increase the selling price of oil It is not commercially worthwhile. because the investment is high but the return is low
  2. The refinery produced some refined oils that exceeded the national demand at that time. Each crude oil can be refined in different proportions of refined oil. Therefore, it is necessary to import a variety of crude oil to be able to produce refined oil. according to the needs of the country As a result, the production of some refined oils exceeded the domestic demand, resulting in the need to export such excess oil to foreign countries.

The benefits of exporting crude oil

  1. It adds value to excess oil.
  2. causing the country to generate income from exports And the government collects higher royalty and petroleum income taxes than the operators sell to the refinery in the country because when the crude oil does not meet the requirements of the refinery, the refinery will buy the oil at a cheap price. This will make the state earn less.
  3. create energy security for the country

Therefore, people are asked not to trust such information. and ask for cooperation not to send or continue sharing such information In various social media channels and for the public to be able to follow information from PTT Public Company Limited, you can follow the website.

The conclusion of this story is this: 41 percent of domestic crude oil is insufficient to meet demand, and some contain high levels of heavy metal contaminants. If the refinery buys this part of crude oil must increase the cost of refining and the cost of adjusting equipment to improve oil quality This will increase the selling price of oil. Therefore, oil must be imported. The selling price is calculated under the rules, regulations and procedures regulated by government agencies.
