
“Family Chasing Love” hits Guo Jingfei, Jia Nailiang, Tan Zhuo’s road of chasing love with twists and turns jqknews

The cheerful plot creates a warm family Qi Tianyou and Xiao Nan first reveal the difference in values

“Chasing the Family” aired for three days, and the Qi family staged a big play. The plot has both lighthearted and witty dialogues, as well as warm and true plots. The rapid advancement of the plot has shaped the distinctive character of the Qi family and brought the audience into it. Qi Tianyou (Guo Jingfei) and Xiao Nan (Tan Zhuo) remarried at the beginning, but in the decision-making of various things, their differences in values ​​were revealed again. In a parent-teacher meeting of Qi Mowen (played by Wei Tianyou), Qi Tianzuo (played by Jia Nailiang) was suspected of interacting with Qi Mowen’s teacher. Xiao Nan believed that having a personal relationship with the teacher would help improve children’s grades, but was accused by Qi Tianyou, who insisted on principles. Philistine, Xiao Nan immediately soberly replied, “It is because of my philistine that I can protect you and keep you high.” It really revealed the roles of the two in the family and their respective personalities. The audience also agreed with this, thinking that Xiao Nan was a pillar-like existence in the Qi family.

(Guo Jingfei as Qi Tianyou)

(Jia Nailiang as Qi Tianzuo)

(Tan Zhuo as Xiao Nan)

Qi Tian burns photos and sings “Border People”

After being dumped, Qi Tian (played by Xiong Ziqi) burns photos of Dong Yiyi (played by Guo Yang) at home, causing a catastrophe. He is scolded by his elder brother Qi Tianzuo (played by Jia Nailiang), and under the mediation of his father Qi Guosheng (played by Yang Xinming) , the two went to the bar to talk. Qi Tianzuo accurately commented on Qi Tian: “Your weakness is cheap, all-round, and no dead ends.” Qi Tian admitted this frankly, and asked his elder brother from the bottom of his heart: Is it wrong to love someone wholeheartedly? Although Qi Tian, ​​known as the “love brain”, has been repeatedly criticized by the audience, the topic #chasing love family Qi Tian is too irritating# has also been on the Weibo hot search list, but his sincerity in unrequited love is equally precious. In the bar, he also sang a song “Borderliness” to express his lovelorn mood, which is also the ending song of the play.

(Xiong Ziqi as Qi Tian)

Xiao Nan accidentally learned that Qi Tianyou was going to be promoted to the head of the department, and planned to invite colleagues to dinner to celebrate. Will something change happen before Qi Tianyou is officially promoted? More exciting stories, stay tuned!

“Chasing Love Family” will be broadcast simultaneously on Tencent Video and iQiyi from March 27, and will be broadcast on Jiangsu Satellite TV. Tencent Video and iQIYI members update two episodes every Sunday to Friday at 19:35, 1 episode on Saturday, and non-members update 1 episode every day at 19:35.

责编:张晓荣 ]